My 2yo can’t really hear properly due to fluid build up in his ears. He can barely speak and it’s obvious compared to his peers. ENT can’t see us for 4 months.
I’m so sorry to hear that. How awful for a 2-year-old to have to suffer through that! It’s ridiculous that something that should be fixed quickly and easily is going to delay your son’s development!
EDIT: Does your ENT have a cancellation list? If they do and you’re not on it, get on it ASAP!
My 2yo can’t really hear properly due to fluid build up in his ears. He can barely speak and it’s obvious compared to his peers. ENT can’t see us for 4 months.
This is heart breaking - it must be so hard to watch your little one suffer and be helpless. I truly wish you the best!
I’m so sorry to hear that. How awful for a 2-year-old to have to suffer through that! It’s ridiculous that something that should be fixed quickly and easily is going to delay your son’s development!
EDIT: Does your ENT have a cancellation list? If they do and you’re not on it, get on it ASAP!