Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice - Lemmy.world
lemmy.worldHello everyone, We unfortunately have to close the !lemmyshitpost community for
the time being. We have been fighting the CSAM (Child Sexual Assault Material)
posts all day but there is nothing we can do because they will just post from
another instance since we changed our registration policy. We keep working on a
solution, we have a few things in the works but that won’t help us now. Thank
you for your understanding and apologies to our users, moderators and admins of
other instances who had to deal with this. Edit: @Striker@lemmy.world
[https://lemmy.world/u/Striker] the moderator of the affected community made a
post apologizing for what happened. But this could not be stopped even with 10
moderators. And if it wasn’t his community it would have been another one. And
it is clear this could happen on any instance. The only thing that could have
prevented this is better moderation tools. And while a lot of the instance
admins have been asking for this, it doesn’t seem to be on the developers
roadmap for the time being. There are just two full-time developers on this
project and they seem to have other priorities. No offense to them but it
doesn’t inspire much faith for the future of Lemmy. But we will not give up. We
are lucky to have a very dedicated team and we can hopefully make an
announcement about what’s next very soon.
They also shut down registration
Whoever is spamming CP deserves the woodchipper
Got a link to this AMA? Couldn’t find it.
I agree with @Cube6392@beehaw.org, if modtools (one of the reasons for Reddit API protests in the first place) aren’t being prioritized, a hard fork of Lemmy will be inevitable. I know the Lemmy devs are known for being strangely hardheaded about certain issues.
They have shifted gears recently and been pretty receptive to this major critique. Things are going in a much better direction now that 2 months have passed. If I can find the AMA I will link you.
OP never delivered. :'(
Yeah, unfortunately took a rapid shift away and my optimism is gone. A hard fork is being made from scratch in a new programming language, that I am actively involved in whatever way I can be.