Thin with a boyish face and earrings in both ears, 23-year-old Isayah Turner does not look like a stereotypical Trump supporter, who tend to be middle aged or older.

Nevertheless, Turner drove two hours from his home outside Milwaukee on a recent Tuesday to see Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, one of a contingent of young voters there that some opinion polls suggest could be a growing and important demographic for Trump.

For Democratic incumbent Joe Biden, who overwhelmingly won the youth vote in 2020, an erosion of his support among young voters could potentially dampen his hopes of a second term.

Turner, who runs a dog breeding business with his mother, voted for Trump in 2020. He supports Trump’s pro-oil drilling stance, his opposition to gun control - Turner owns several firearms - and his pledge to crack down on illegal immigration.

  • Aa!
    11 months ago

    My experience says a lot of these people bought into the “fake news” narrative, where they conveniently don’t believe anything presented to them, no matter how digestible – unless it reinforces things they already believe.

    My mother goes on about how “science” can be used to prove anything, and “science” gets it wrong so often, so she won’t believe anything she reads. While turning around and saying she found out Planned Parenthood is harvesting and selling baby parts, which is why they want mass abortions across the US

      11 months ago

      Well, education has to be there before the problem pups up. Start educating now and the next generation you reap will be better. It’s one of those “best time to plant a tree is yesterday, the next best is to plant it today”.