Alright, can we stop with the rhyming now, please?
Do the way that they rhyme make you feel ill at ease?
No more rhymes, now, I mean it! - Vizzini
Squating really helps actually. Your knees hurt because the supporting muscles around the knee get too weak over time due to lack of use. You can begin with bodyweight squats but weighted squats are even better
My 1 RM training max is currently 160 kg, how much higher before my knees don’t hurt when I jump?
Of course you might also have osteoarthritis from being overweight and age or might be any number of other reasons.
Overuse and traumatic injuries mostly. I’ve also sold my body to survive, so while age shouldn’t be a factor yet, I’m probably ahead of average on duty cycles.
I do find it interesting your bias jumps (haha) to under-training and over-weightness first. Are they common problems in your circles?
They are statistically the largest reason for knee problems. I wouldn’t call that bias.
Fair enough. I guess I’m the one with the bias since it’s rare around my circles! Or maybe I should say other causes are overly common in my circles?
I knew excess weight and age were linked to osteoporosis, but not necessarily knee pain in general (like tendinopathy, or MCL/ACL strains).
I must be underestimating osteo cases. Or perhaps my population/region has fewer osteo cases than yours.
Not osteoporosis. Osterarthritis. Besides, being overweight (think bmi) regardless of if it is fat or muscle is bad for your knees and heart.
I thought BMI was generally replaced with BMI + WC? BMI is certainly a useful population tool and quick heuristic, but lacks depth. But I’ve been out of this topic for a while.
I’m very confident my knee pain comes from load carrying. If I add the average load carried to my bodyweight, I had a BMI of >40 for over a decade, definitely falls on line with your theory!
I would guess external load doesn’t have the same heart effect as body mass, but again, out of my depth.
If you master the art of mind control… you don’t need to jump. You can get some poor soul to do that for you.
It’s about form!!! Knees over toes!!! Do your hamstring stretches mfers!!!
i can’t even jump up without hurting my knees, let alone jumping from a walkway down to another walkway.