• Raphaël A. Costeau@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    My man I appreciate your anger towards oppressors, but first and foremost, Israel is the one killing Palestinian children, Hamas is one of the Palestinian organizations that resists the Israeli yoke. I know that the Earth is a sterile promontory, but the disorganized action of one individual, whether violent or not, is incapable of bringing about meaningful change. At best, it would bring you a false, self-indulgent, and brief sense of fulfillment, which would quickly be replaced by a much greater misery than you have ever felt for yourself and others around you. I think it would do you good to find someone in your offline life with whom you could talk about these anxieties. By doing so, you could begin to transform this destructive feeling into constructive action for a world different from this foul and pestilent congregation of vapors.