Title. It’s pretty common for me to hit one of these trying to hit the other, then I have to navigate down a gigantic blocked list to unblock them.

And/or, could blocks be displayed newest-first, so navigation to recent blocks is quicker?

  • RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Its unfortunate for me to say, but something about Lemmy has changed since the last few weeks of August. I used to really enjoy my time here before then, but now its just getting absolutely flooded with politics and other stuff I just don’t care about and don’t want to see. Having a long block list is not an uncommon thing these days. I feel like block lists should have some sort method, and perhaps a search method too. I have sometimes accidentally clicked “Block Community” when I really just meant to click “Block User.”

    Another feature is that blocking a user is possible directly from a post but not from a comment. So in addition to your post, I would also add that blocking users directly from comments should also be a feature. As it is currently, I have to visit a users profile to block them, and moving away from a page always carries a risk that Lemmy will go down when Connect refreshes.