do you still remember vaporeon?
Did you know…
that in terms of human companionship, Flareon is objectively the most huggable Pokemon? While their maximum temperature is likely too much for most, they are capable of controlling it, so they can set themselves to the perfect temperature for you. Along with that, they have a lot of fluff, making them undeniably incredibly soft to touch. But that’s not all, they have a very respectable special defense stat of 110, which means that they are likely very calm and resistant to emotional damage. Because of this, if you have a bad day, you can vent to it while hugging it, and it won’t mind. It can make itself even more endearing with moves like Charm and Baby Doll Eyes, ensuring that you never have a prolonged bout of depression ever again.
This is so wholesome, especially in contrast. I love it!
My secret to remember then is to have children.
Yes, but after naming my first child Bulbasaur and my second one Venusaur, I’m not sure I can sire enough children to fill in the first 150, let alone the full roster…
With enough women, it’s possible.
Yes, but after naming my first child Bulbasaur and my second one Venusaur, I’m not sure I can sire enough children to fill in the first 150, let alone the full roster…
Plus you already forgot Ivysaur!
You’re right! Now I gotta start over. Drat
How early did you introduce the games (or show)?
Mine are still years away.
They know the most well known Pokémon thanks to merch and a few old cards that my wife and me had when we were children and conserved.
My oldest watched a few episodes when she was 5, and “read” a Pokémon manga after (she watched the images, she didn’t know how to read). I promised her that I will teach her how to play the cards when she’ll know how to read … I will keep my promise and buy her her own deck for her 7th birthday :-)
That’s adorable. I’m so excited to be able to share this with my kids too.
My oldest only knows the name “Charmander” from a stuffed animal, but that’s it.
I got my kiddo playing around 4 or 5. Mainly just watching. Eventually he started playing games like Coromon, and other monster catchers. The newest Pokémon sadly haven’t run well on his switch either, so I’ve been trying to get him on the older but still favorites like Pearl or Diamond.
They are all called Pikachu.
Edit: per my grandmama
Wrong. They’re all pokey man.
Maybe I am your grandma.
I still have an easier time remembering all the original pokemon than I do the periodic table of elements.
There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium, And hydrogen, and oxygen, and nitrogen, and rhenium…
I only ever knew the first 151 anyway.
Oh yeah, name 151 pokemon
takes a deep breath
Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pidgey, Pigeotto, Pidgeot, Rattata, Raticate, Spearow, Fearow, Ekans, Arbok, Pikachu, Raichu, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Nidoran, Nidorino, Nidoking, Clefairy, Clefable, Vulpix, Ninetails, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Zubat, Golbat, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Paras, Parasect, Venonat, Venomoth, Diglit, Dugtrio, Meowth, Persian, Psyduck, Golduck, Mankey, Primape, Growlithe, Arcanine, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Ponyta, Rapidash, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Magnemite, Magneton, Farfetch’d, Duouo, Dodrio, Seel, Dewgong, Grimer, Muk, Shellder, Cloysyer, Ghastly, Haunter, Gengar, Onix, Drowzee, Hypno, Krabby, Kingler, Voltorb, Electrode, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Cubone, Marowak, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Lickitung, Koffing, Weezing, Rhyhorn, Chansey, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Horsea, Seadra, Goldeen, Seaking, Staryu, Starmie, Mr. Mime, Scyther, Jynx, Electrabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Tauros, Magikarp, Gyrados, Lapras, Ditto, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Porygon, Omantyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Arodactyl, Snorlax, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite, Mewtwo, and Mew.
Pants, out of breath
Ok, now in Pokerap order!
- Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran♂, Mankey, Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey, Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly, Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree, Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck, Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebel, Moltres, Nidoking, Farfetch’d, Abra, Jigglypuff, Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff
- Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix, Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax, Gengar, Tangela, Goldeen, Spearow, Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, Slowbro, Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea, Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell, Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, Pikachu
- Alakazam, Doduo, Venonat, Machoke, Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon, Blastoise, Poliwhirl, Oddish, Drowzee, Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie, Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna, Clefairy, Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby, Lickitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran♀, Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan
- Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedrill, Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey, Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong, Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon, Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing, Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp, Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar, Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar
- Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine, Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos, Dratini, Growlithe, Mr. Mime, Cubone, Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom, Charmeleon, Wartortle, Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl, Omanyte, Slowpoke, Pidgeot, Arbok
I noticed while making this list that Lickitung was incorrectly spelled “LIKITUNG” on the third day.
Edit: Also, for Nidoran♂ vs Nidoran♀ you have to look at the picture to distinguish since they just say “Nidoran” but they do say it twice!
There’s 150 or more to see, to be the pokemon master that’s my destiny
That’s pretty good! But… that’s only 147. :-)
Nidoran♀, and Nidoran♂ are separate and you’re missing Nidorina, Nidoqueen, and also Rhydon.
Some other corrections:
- Pigeotto -> Pidgeotto
- Ninetails -> Ninetales
- Diglit -> Diglett
- Primape -> Primeape
- Duouo -> Doduo
- Cloysyer -> Cloyster
- Ghastly -> Gastly
- Electrabuzz -> Electabuzz
- Gyrados -> Gyarados
- Omantyte -> Omanyte
- Arodactyl -> Aerodactyl
(Yes, I looked it up. No, I have no life. :p)
You stomped that guy
Aww, I’m not trying to stomp anyone. :(
I was just curious if it was actually the full list and before I knew it I’d spent 45 minutes checking Pokemon names to figure out what was missing, so I figured I’d share the corrections.
If Kolanaki got that close just from memory, that’s pretty impressive! I had to look it up!
The ones spelled wrong are Google’s fault. I didn’t even capitalize them all; autocorrect did.
Not gonna lie… I didn’t even think about the actual order. I only thought of the song.
151 doesn’t sound like so much when they’re listed out like this…
Here you go buddy:
i can remember all of them from when i was a kid, but that number has since tripled. if i was a kid now i don’t think i would be able to learn all of them in the first place!
Triple isn’t that bad. I knew 151 and then the main ones from the next few games (and didn’t learn all the names, I don’t remember any of the middle evolutions) but there are 1025 now
It’s a shame they didn’t clue into the regional variants sooner. I love all the different Meowths. Would have been cool if each new game was remixes of existing pokemon.
Instead of the increasingly humanoid and spikey looking digimon they’ve been coming up with.
I wish they had better games rather than just new coats of paint
Imagine how creative they would have to be if they were restricted to only the first 151 for the last 25 years
Everything past gen 2 isn’t legit anyways
But gen 3 is when they started getting good.
Bulbasaur - Onion turtle
Geodude - Punchy rock
Meowth - That cat with the long-ass arms
E’rybody know that’s Big Dick Bee!
Oh that one’s pikachu
Not that weird wasp with the drills?
Dear Mr. President:
There are too many Pokemon. Please eliminate 500. I am not a crackpot.
If I need to say the names of the pokemons I’ll forget something like Tangela, but if I see the image of the pokémon I can remember the name. Things get fuzzy at the same time that I stop watching the anime.
I can still remember the gen 1 starting pokemon, anyway.
Let’s see, there’s Squirdis, Barbarasoar, uh… Chortle? Oh no
Don’t forget Charmonger, Charmelon and Charlizzo!
Let’s play grill brand or pokeyman
- Char King
- Smokin’ Champ
- Charcadet
- Grill brand
- grill brand
- pokie mans
Chortle was my favorite.
Don’t forget about… WEENUSAUR!
Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey. Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey.
Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly
Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree
It’s the companys fault for looking at the 151 and saying, what if we replaced all this with random bullshit? I miss the og pokemon. I tried playing newer games but damn, it’s pure chaos.
ah yes
the original 151
with such treasures of creative genius as purple rat
another rat
and my personal favorite
some eggsDon’t forget blackface thing mon
I’ve heard it argued that Jynx was a parody of Harajuku fashion, which really only kicks the racism down one more step
No… The original is not debatable if you know how racist Japanese artists depict black people.
That’s just some weeb cope and as you mention even then it isn’t even good at it.
Ganguro girls
Literally two Pokeballs with eyes, one is just flipped upside down. Peak design.
Don’t forget purple snake and purple toxic ball
If you knew what a mimic is, it would make more sense what they were going for.
It’s gotta make you wonder if the pokeball or voltorb came first…
In Arceus, they’re grass/electric because they’re emulating the original wooden pokéballs
Voltorbs are just very angry dittos.
Prolly the pokeball, they’re based on those japanese gatcha capsules
I always enjoyed how the one mole evolves into 3 moles.
magnemite evolves into three of them
Even Ash couldn’t pass the identification test and he still managed to become a master.
Yeah but Ash is an idiot
An idiot Pokemon master.
Have we fully considered the possibility that Ash was actually a Make-A-Wish kid?
Which goes to show that Pokemon Master is the easiest degree to get in pkmn world