Netflix released the original show “Supacell” with new and original characters, but in the comments, right-wingers are complaining that the protagonists are black. The film quiet place day one was released and had a black protagonist. The character is new, original and coherent. Quiet Place is set in the USA black people exist in the USA, so what’s the problem? If they are going to complain anyway, then why do they ask to make new characters?

    4 months ago

    This is the best show to come to Netflix in a couple years. I thought connecting the mutations to an existing mutation was brilliant. I would love to discuss this in depth, but that is going further off topic for this post.

    The hate for this show that I saw, living in Florida, was prejudice. They see a show centered around black people and are angry. They see an lgbtq+ character in a show and are angry. They see Republican habits as the antagonist and are angry. Actually they don’t even need to see it. They just need someone on TikTok or Truth Social to rile them up without evidence.