I remember in English we learned about types of conflicts/plots like

  • man vs man
  • man vs self
  • man vs god
  • man vs society

Etc. what type of conflict was Freddie v. Jason?

  • anon6789@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    The timeline thing did trip me up trying to be as canonically accurate as possible.

    The comic seems to take place in 2008, and the Necronomicon is in Jason’s shack. Browsing an Evil Dead fan wiki site, there seem to be numerous origins of the Necronomicon in multiple universes, and Lovecraft, the original Necronomicon author, had implied there are numerous copies and translations of the Necronomicon, so there could very well be more than one.

    The Jason/Freddy/Ash comic sounds like the Necronomicon was in their family home, so Pamela had one, prior to 1980 when she was killed, and it stayed there until 2008, so there has to be more than one in that universe of Ash had previously dealt with it in 81.

    Jason could have allowed a Necronomicon owning Pamela to use him as a host as she was in need of a body in one piece, hers now being headless and all. Keeping the head around may have been important to the spiritual connection.

    Reading more in the Evil Dead wiki, there doesn’t seem to be a reliable way to permanently kill a Deadite, dismembering them just seems to slow them down the most, which is pretty typical for how people deal with Jason.

    I don’t know if I’m ready to view this as canon or anything, but I feel it works solid enough for the loose rules of a slasher franchise. It’s at least a. More solid story than Jason X.