I am reminded of the Mexican dude I used to work with who was a huge Trump supporter and would refer to other Mexicans as wetbacks and say shit like “send them back.” Always had me like “bro, you know he’d deport your ass, too, right?”
There are a surprising number of Latino Americans who are pro-Trump who don’t seem to realize what will happen if Project 2025 is implemented and they’re out somewhere without the “proper” paperwork.
I’ve been able to convince a few of them to not vote for the orange asshole by passing them along this pic and link to Project 2025’s PDF. All it took for one was the mention of abortion rights being curtailed to change her opinion. A lot of people don’t bother learning about policy and that just makes them gravitate toward whoever appears to be “strong” or “righteous”.
You might also send some people this. There are a lot of Latino veterans.
The time limit one is amazing. It took me 11 years to get the VA to process my shit. “We lost it, bro. Try again!”
I’m interpreting that one to mean you just submit your initial application within 10 years of acquiring the disability, or possibly within 10 years of being discharged.
Ok, so take my case (and the situation of thousands of other GWOT veterans) it took years to even get the VA to admit anything was received, and that was without losing anything. It took 14 years to get mine processed, and you know under this law it would hit year ten and they would do a “sorry, brah! Go fuck yourself!”
Well, don’t mention abortion rights then, and let the other points bring the point home that Trump would be a bad idea.
At first, I thought the phenomenon had to do with religion. My opinion changed after 2020 as Biden is Catholic, so that no longer tracks. Nowadays, I’m starting to think it has more to do with machismo culture.
I think you are right about it being machismo. A thing to know though is that plenty of Christians hate Catholics. The schism between Catholics and Protestants still burns bright for some people.
Not to mention that these pro-Trumpers can’t even vote.
Plenty of them can. They just don’t realize what will happen to them if Trump wins and they happen to get on the wrong side of a cop who doesn’t like how brown their skin is.
That’s fair. Personally in the 4 years he was president I was terrified he would come out with something that would force me out of my job and thus out of the country. (and he nearly did, I wasn’t allowed to work for 3 months at one point.)
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Like the freaking MAGAts will bother with details like that: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/guardian-angels-rough-up-man-in-times-square-misidentify-him-as-a-migrant-on-live-tv/5118186/
Wow. They assault a man on live TV and their victim is the one who gets a ticket.
Play: Guess! That! Skin Color! (Easy mode)
Didn’t understand everything but “no mas naranja” was funny
“Fuck you, MAGA assholes*. No more orange 2024.”
*pendejo, as a slang word, is not directly translatable but the equivalent of ‘asshole.’
I always thought pendejo was similar to dickhead. I first remember hearing it in GTA San Andreas and I think they had a translation in the subtitles. I think. It’s been a minute.
Is there a functional distinction between “asshole” and “dickhead” that I’ve never been familiar with despite being a native English speaker?
Thinking about it, I feel that a dickhead does dickhead things more randomly, but an asshole does asshole things for a reason, on purpose.
Like a dickhead may fuck things up for everyone, whereas asshole fucks up things for other people.
Just my thoughts.
I feel similarly. For someone being a dickhead, they’re being rude because they don’t care about you.
For an asshole, they’re being rude because they want to be mean.
Assholes are shitty people, and dicks fuck other people.
But sometimes, dicks fuck assholes too! (insert dick/asshole/pussy monologue from Team America)
I also first heard it in San Andreas. The way I remember it, one of the Latino gangsters calls you or big smoke a pendejo and I think the guy responds with “who are you calling a dickhead?!” Or something.
So it gets translated, but indirectly, which I think is cool.
The guy calls CJ a pendejo and CJ’s sister is the one who says “who are you calling a dickhead?!”
Oh, it’s starting to come back to me now. You’re right, thanks. Been a while.
It’s generally translated as “asshole,” most commonly in a phrase like “¡chinga tu madre, pinche pendejo!” meaning “fuck you, asshole!”
Yeah, it’s “dickhead/dumbass/asshole” but not as offensive.
When my Colombian wife uses it, she just means “stupid”.
Stupid asshole lol
I read that first as “NARNJA” and… yes, I agreed.
Chinga tu MAGA: Variant of Cinga tu madre, “fuck your mother”
Pendejo: asshole, dickhead, dumbass. SUPER versatile personal insult.
No mas naranja: no more orange
Thank you! Google translate was not helpful
I’ve always heard pendejo as “idiot” but ruder.
Pendejo is a word you feel moreso than you translate. “Idiot, but ruder” certainly falls under its umbrella.
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A combination of idiot and asshole. Someone who’s just stupid or just obnoxious isn’t a pendejo, you have to be both.
Lmao what an aggressive delivery service advertisement! “It can be sent, stupid!”
“chinga tu maga” is great
The translation I did
Spanish: chinga tu maga pendejo no mas naranja
English: fuck your magician asshole no more orange
If you take “MAGA” as the acronym, would it be more like “fuck you, MAGA assholes”
Sorry to respond so late but the reason its funny is because “chinga tu madre” is a common insult, it means like “fuck your mom” but its used as just general fighting words, so “chinga tu maga” is just playing off of this
My dyslexic ass read that as “chimichanga pendejo”
The average maga can’t even pronounce quesadilla this sign will unfortunately accomplish nothing.
Believe it or not, some Latinos are going to vote for him. This sign is far from pointless
Uncle Toma always knows best.
Maybe it is to get non Maga people to actually vote. You know, so the Naranja doesn’t win from gerrymandring
Note as a non-Spanish speaker I don’t understand the first word
It’s translated as “fuck your maga”
Ahhhh thanks for that! “chinga tu maga” then right?
I don’t speak much Spanish so I was struggling to figure out what that first word was assuming it was all one word lol
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Case o’ dilla?
Case of dildos!
Sorry, all sold out since that convention in Milwaukee.
Bennys nachos! Poor favor… do y’all have more of them jall-a-penos for my kayso-dilla? Grassy-ass.
Ay guey I fucking love this, but not $60 love it.
Ouch. That’s how much it costs? Yeah, I don’t blame you. You could probably get it made custom for $20.
I can spray paint this on several walls for $5
I encourage you to do so (but I hope you don’t get caught)!
What do you mean? I would only ever spray paint this on the interior walls of a private studio.
I’ll do it for $2.
It should be free
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It’s been decades since it took Spanish class, but it’s been a lot fewer years since I worked with anyone who spoke Spanish. And if you work with people that speak Spanish and don’t pick up the swears, then you don’t actually work with people that speak Spanish.
Fucking brilliant.
I have my doubts about how well the writer of this sign speaks Spanish. “Naranja” is a fruit; the color orange is “anaranjado”.
Naranja is also used for the color orange in a lot of latin countries.
also no accent over más
Capital Letters don’t usually have accents, no?
More likely Spanglish
se perfecto gracias
That’s Mexican, not Spanish
Do Mexicans speak Mexican? Or Spanish?
Most Mexicans don’t speak their native language. Spanish is the language of the people who colonized them and that they altered forced to adopt. It’s more accurate to say they speak Spanish imo. Otherwise, that’s like saying Cherokee Native Americans, when speaking English, are speaking “Cherokee” just because they may have some slang that other English speakers don’t have. And no, they aren’t speaking “Cherokee,” that language was forcibly removed from their culture just like many native languages were removed by the Spanish and to a lesser extent, the Portuguese.
Eh Spanish but not Castellano. In truth you could probably be more granular to describe the various country variants and dialects, but I’m not sure they have words for those divisions, not to the degree of considering them to be other languages.