• Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Why do these news outlets always show a picture of the poor kid first thing? Bad enough I have to read the headline. Now I have to see her photo and think about what happened to her. That helps no one. Sure, show a picture of the kid for people who read the full article. I can’t take articles with kids getting assaulted and murdered. Now this is going to weigh on me for hours.

      • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I hate it so much. If it’s a missing kid, by all means, show everyone their photo so hopefully someone will see them and they can be found… but I can’t do anything about a dead child. I can’t do anything about the person who raped and murdered that child. All I can do with this photo is feel horrible about it.

    • Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      You are wrong, and your upvotes are wrong. I will get downvoted and I don’t care, this pisses me off.

      At least hear me out.

      The sentiment of your comment is cowardly, preferring to bury your head in the sand. If you and I don’t hear about these horrible things, and see the photos and details that induce empathetic reactions, how can we enact change/prevention to fix these problems? Yes it hurts, and ruins your day. Congratulations, you’re not a sociopath.

      What if it was your kid or sister, and everyone was saying “I don’t want to here about it cuz I just wanna have fun and not think about bad stuff”. What if it went so far as to not even report on it? Nobody gets caught? No accountability? Other would-be predators see that nobody cares and therefore it’s easier to get away with?

      You can’t just bury your head in the sand. We should all be seeing this, and the solution should be fixing the problem and preventing/stopping this type of thing, not just ignore it cuz it’ll ruin my day.

      You get my point. I’ll always disagree with this sentiment. If you don’t like what you’re seeing, actively solve the problem, don’t just bury it under the rug.

      • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I’ve seen probably hundreds of those pictures in my life. It has not enabled me to do anything about it except feel terrible about the state of the world. What am I supposed to do to stop people kidnapping, raping and killing children? It’s not in my power to do anything about evil people I don’t even know exist. It’s not like they walk around with ‘I am a pedophile murderer’ stamped on there head. There’s no “type.” I wish there was.

        • Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Eh. I understand the feeling of helplessness. You can’t do anything so you don’t want to hear about it.

          I dont enjoy knowing about the bad things in the world. But I want to know the truth about the world, and that’s going to include bad things. Being aware could affect your actions, like voting habits or purchasing habits or where you choose employment or whatever. What if you saw some suspicious interaction between a child and adult where you actually had the opportunity to intervene and prevent some horrific act? If you avoid all the bad news and live in a fantasy land of your own making, you might not be cognizant enough to recognize a bad act about to happen. You never know. To make the best decisions you need all the information available to you, including the bad stuff.

          But if you don’t want to hear about, then don’t read it, that’s your prerogative. I would discourage you from trying to spread and encourage other people to do the same though.

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            I can know about the bad things without seeing her photo. Why isn’t the headline good enough? How does me seeing her, alive and smiling, help with anything?

            You remind me of people who told me I had to actively watch Al Qaeda beheading videos after 9/11 so I could know how bad they were. No I don’t. Telling me they take videos of people being beheaded is information enough. I don’t need to hear the agonized screaming and see the blood spurting out to learn anything useful.

            • Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              Wrong. Hear me out again.

              You are avoiding the pain. Again, you’re empathetic which is great. Seeing her photo adds more to your suffering.

              Very good point about the beheadings stuff from terrorists.

              Here’s a thought experiment: what if not only could we not avoid the photos, but as adult members of society we had to see and hear ALL the details. All of them. The rape, the screams, the beheadings. Torture done by drug cartels. Torture and rape done by militaries?

              Everyone would shut down. You’d have no desire to go shopping or go to the movies or hang out with friends cracking jokes. In this unlikely universe, the only way to stop hearing about these atrocities, would be to actully stop and prevent them. Because it was ALL out in the open, we would all act much harder to stop all this shit.

              Now we can add why the media and the powers that be “protect” us from the gory details and most of the bad stuff. You need to be happy so you can continue producing and consuming.

              • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                Here’s a thought experiment for you: What if they didn’t put the child’s photo right at the top so I see it in the thumbnail here without even clicking on the article, which is my issue.

                There is nothing I can shut down and of course I would go shopping because I have a family to support. And other people have themselves to support. People aren’t going to just lay down and starve to death.

                As far as cracking jokes, people who work in emergency trauma units on battlefields crack jokes. Probably more than you do, just to get through it. And they are able to get on with their lives despite seeing endless horror.

                You know what happens when you see that all the time? Desensitization. You stop caring about seeing it because you know you’ll keep seeing it.

                I’m amazed you don’t understand the concept of desensitization. It’s been used all over the world to get people to accept atrocities as normal.

                  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    If something terrible happens to you and your family ill be sure to take your advice and not think about so as not to feel bad.

                    This is a lie. I gave no such advice, nor would I. Why are you lying?

                    People like you are the reason these atrocities continue.

                    What a disgusting thing to say. I don’t control the media. I don’t have the power to stop pedophiles. None of this is within my control whatsoever. I cannot stop anyone from raping and murdering a child. I cannot stop anyone from doing anything.