Vladimir Putin has warned the US that if Washington deploys long-range missiles in Germany from 2026, Russia will station similar missiles within striking distance of the west.
The US will start deploying long-range fire capabilities in Germany in 2026 in an effort to demonstrate its commitment to Nato and European defence, the Washington and Germany said earlier this month.
The US’s “episodic deployments” are in preparation for longer-term stationing of such capabilities that will include SM-6, Tomahawk cruise missiles and developmental hypersonic weapons that have a longer range than current capabilities in Europe, Washington and Berlin said.
In a speech on Sunday to sailors from Russia, China, Algeria and India to mark Russian navy day in the former imperial capital of St Petersburg, Putin told the US it risked triggering a cold war-style missile crisis with the move.
“We will take mirror measures to deploy, taking into account the actions of the United States, its satellites in Europe and in other regions of the world.”
Ok. Bring it on. If you threaten everyone with nuclear fire every time you have a tummy ache, no one will take you seriously. At this point I strongly doubt Russia even has functioning nukes. That’s how laughable you have become.
At this point I strongly doubt Russia even has functioning nukes.
I keep hearing this and I really hate this line. I think deploying those missiles in Germany is absolutely the right thing to do and that Russia must be countered.
But assuming none of Russia’s 1710 deployed nuclear weapons work is crazy. Even if they haven’t been maintained well, that’s a ridiculous risk to take with that many weapons.
And even if the warheads aren’t functional anymore, nobody wants to get a dirty bomb dropped on their heads. The best nuclear weapon is one that’s not launched.
Still doesn’t mean Russia gets to do what it wants.
The moment any of those clear the launchpad they would trigger a retaliatory attack anyway, probably even if every single one of them blew up their own launch site, let alone failing to detonate over an intended target.
Even if only Russia suffered direct nuclear detonations, it would still result in 100+ million civilians killed, plus tens of millions more from nuclear fallout across Eastern Europe.
Brushing off nuclear war as survivable is lunacy.
Dude, of course they do have those. To think they do not have them, in an arsenal of thousands, is delusional.
Russia even has functioning nukes
Imagine if this thought is in the heads of people who are really responsible for this conflict
We really ought to just respond to all of Putin’s bullshit warnings with that exact same warning, but about staying in Ukraine.
“By remaining in Ukraine, Russia risks triggering a cold war-style missile crisis!”
“If Russian forces stay in Ukraine, there will be dire consequences!”
Feed him his own word salad and don’t put any more thought into it.
Or we just ignore the clown…
I can’t remember any warnings Russia has issued that has actually ended up in something real. Not even in the days before Russian troops rolled off the Ukrainian border did they dare to be honest with their intentions. The only thing they were able to do was to sucker punch Ukraine.
So right now, Russia is like an annoying little poodle that is constantly barking.
It barks is because it’s afraid and knows it’s weaker than the dogs around it, just like Russia.
Putin: You better not do that US: OK (starts plans to do it) Putin: Hey! Stop that US: OK (starts to implement the plan) Putin: Hey I said stop US: I don’t work for you Germany: FEUERE DIE RAKETEN AB
Poor uncle Poots. Got his panties in a bunch.
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Remember when George looked into Putin’s eyes and saw his soul? Wonder what he thinks of Putin’s soul these days?
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I don’t know, maybe they each looked into the eyes of a war criminal, saw a reflection of themselves, and thought, “we can be friends. Or at least work together for mutual interests.”
Interesting. Given that Bush claimed to see something, for “We understand each other” to Biden, I’m reading “As the sociopath you now know me to be, I am able to show exactly the amount of humanity to serve my purpose at any given time, and right now, you get nothing.”
Pretty much.
Whatya gonna do? Invade ukraine?
ez. just deploy them in poland instead
WW2 flashbacks
In this case Russia is facing Germany AND the US.
I like those odds.
Who cares what he thinks. Protect Ukraine!
Protect Europe.
Stop giving them reasons to, fuckwit.
Bark bark bark
Like a geriatric Chihuahua.
Well…we already lost the war for pacifism…now let’s see if we win the war for peace by showing russia that it gains nothing by invading anyone.
I assume distance now only matters for speed of launch to impact before detection. Since missiles are effectively global anyway?
Striking distance of the west
Isnt that just basically having missiles stationed in russia?
The time between detection and impact is what makes the difference between total annihilation and very heavy losses/successful interception.
Putin doesn’t warn; all he does is threaten.
[…]Russia will station similar missiles within striking distance of the west.
Both of them?
They will have to move one from Ukraine. And the mover is still on cooking duty.
If those are russian-made then one is already broken and the other one is lost somewhere. As per tradition.
Sabre going bzzzzzzzzzzzz!