The ex-president got a top aide to send the texts accusing the donor’s massive Preserve America PAC of being run by RINOs. But aides fear he is being manipulated.

    7 months ago

    For what it’s worth, I agree with you and people are absolutely taking their anger out on your reasonable position.

    We’re at a point in our fight against a Trump-brand fascism where anything not outright attacking him can be misconstrued as support when the reader is angry enough. He is deserving of this anger, but we humans often take out that anger on the closest perceived target. In this case, your message.

      7 months ago

      I’m harsh because I have borne witness to our tolerance. During the Pandemic people died because we averted our eyes. We were both embarrassed by those who refused to be vaccinated, and frustrated when they didn’t wear masks. Because of this tolerance people were killed by a virus that while bad was made significantly worse through the actions of the gullible, ignorant, and malicious, and in part the inaction of many of us. It was a stressful time so I struggle to blame any one thing, though we could have done much more to challenge the fundamental lies Republicans and the insane MAGA assholes brought forth.

      I bring that time up because it’s a very recent and very fresh example of what we always do. We’ll bicker and in-fight, challenge one another over often petty pedantic bullshit. Yet we rarely come together to challenge the people, or the situations, that truly must be challenged.

      My expectations are great because in this world are people far more intelligent and capable than I. Despite having a modicum of intellect, and reluctant wisdom, there are likely a handful of people who will read even a comment this far down the chain who could run circles around me. I am not the smartest person in this room. Because of this I hope all of you consider what we have to gain and work together towards a better tomorrow. Like it or not we are on a cusp and there will be battle after battle in the months to come. We need all of you.

        7 months ago

        Also tolerance is a social contract, intolerance is not a paradox, it’s assholes breaking the contract and expecting everyone to smile and tolerate it, fuck them, intolerance is a cancer and their perspective and opinion should be completely ignored just like the asshole at the bus screaming at a sign.

        7 months ago

        Empathy is not tolerance. Being embarrassed is not tolerance or inaction. I was embarrassed that I had to have arguments with strangers about wearing a mask, I still did it. I was embarrassed when we elected the guy, but still fought. Why do so many people have misunderstanding of words for human emotion and feeling?

          7 months ago

          Except you did something. My words were not and never will be meant for those that act, even in small ways. Mine are for the tolerant who avert their eyes. Those who shed empty words to empathetic listeners to feel better about what they considered doing, yet never acted upon. Those words are meant for the many who always thought they might, yet knew they never would. Yes, they have their reasons. Some of those reasons are even completely valid.

          It remains though that for the majority that remain whose excuses fail, my words ring true. Like it or not we must speak. You did. I did. Plenty of people did. Many, many more did not, never to those who needed to hear it. Just within the last week I saw on here and overheard in my community two similar comments, both of which talked about being patient and staying reasonable. That people will come to their senses. Tolerance is not noble when so much is on the line.

          My words were for those tolerant majority who hate how things have gone. Who scramble to make excuses and find the right angles. I speak because they won’t. I just wish they would. More have done so, though plenty remain silent, content to watch as the rest of us attempt CPR on a nation at the brink of precipice that we. can. stop.

          We just have to work together and be, ironically, tolerant of each other. Saving our frustrations for the meaningful fights.

      7 months ago

      Thank you. Rabid hate isn’t good on either side, and it can be manipulated so easily with propaganda these days. We are all human. And we will all get our comeuppance, doesn’t mean we should take ecstasy in watching it happen, even to a piece of shit who deserves it.