So i have a problem plsying the Finals on linux. They are clearly garbage graphics. The walls dont even look how they are supposed to and the permanent fog makes it unplayable. The shadowing is too dark. Forget fps, when play on windows and linux it is night and day. Its as if the game isnt using its correct shaders or textures.

Has anyone dealt with this? Im thinking that the finals is not utilizing my nvidia graphics card so if anyone has advice i would greatly appreciate.

I tried letting vulkan load the shaders, ive tried skipping vulkan shaders and there is no difference. Im using proton glorious egg and i have no idea what to do or what the problem is.

EDIT: putting “ PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% -dx11” in launch options fixed the bad graphics but now i have fps issues unfortunately.

    6 months ago

    I don’t know what distro you are on. I had the same problem with 2 games. Stormworks and Cyberpunk 2077. I’m on Arch and installed nvidia-prime from the AUR. Then for just those two games in the steam launch options I put prime-run in there. That fixed the problem for me. I did use nvtop to verify that it was using the igpu instead of my GTX 1060.

    When stormworks was running on the igpu it was at 3fps. Now it’s buttery smooth. No other games I play have had that issue.