Blocking keeps my feed nice. See people being assholes? Block them. See a post discussing something I don’t want to hear about? Block them. See a community I don’t want to hear about? Block them. The greatest thing about social media is the ability to never have to interact with someone again at no detriment to them. Blocking is good.

    4 months ago

    It’s whatever floats your boat at the end of the day. I’ve seen people with unique usernames being super chill in one community, and then appear in another spouting off like they’re two steps away from annexing Poland in another. It’s wild.

    I do my absolute best not to block people or communities though. I worry that my account will just end up as an echo chamber for whatever I’m interested in, and I’ll just end up disconnected from the Real World™️, as tempting as it sounds sometimes.

    Sometimes seeing and hearing shit that wasn’t top of your agenda keeps you grounded - but it’s an entirely subjective view.

    e: community clarity.

      4 months ago

      Agreed, I’m not out to create an echo chamber, but it’s also not difficult sometimes to see a lost cause just there to troll or spread hate or division. Those get the block hammer. I don’t mind disagreements if they are shared in good faith and are respectful. Those are few and far between, especially right now unfortunately.

      I totally agree with you though.