• Narauko@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I would really like to know where you get me being an extremist dogmatist, not questioning of private enterprise, and religious of all things? This is why I didn’t want to attempt to discuss anything with you, because you are putting words into my mouth, assigning me values you think I hold, and accusing me of being upset about people disagreeing with me.

    I want immigration reform, socialized medicine, UBI, free education, free child care, free student meals, and am an atheist who wants all religion as far from government as possible (supporting the Satanists doing the same shit Christians do to shine a light on that bullshit). I also enjoy political discourse because I don’t think just slapping an Enemy label on those I don’t seem to agree with won’t do anything except create further balkanization. But please, let me continue to be your boogie man because I don’t support open borders and said not all conservatives are slavering Nazis.

    • bunchberry@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Never said anything about Nazis, I just responded to what you said, as well as put it in the context of the main thrust of the platform which their current party ran on and they voted for. No one accused you of being a “boogieman,” you are just suffering from a victim complex desperately trying to invent conspiracies that never happened to paint yourself as some poor martyr. Just stop saying ridiculous things worthy of mockery. Not that hard. Be normal.

      • Narauko@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        You call me a cuck, a dogmatic oligarchist, and a religious zealot, sprinkle in implications I’m too stupid to wrap my brain around the enlightened truth, and then call me a martyr with a victim complex for taking offense to you painting me as a bootlicking braindead conservative. Piss off back to lemmygrad, tankie troll.

        Saying that we need low paid immigrants to harvest our fields and orchards to keep food prices low, while demanding that the US high school and college students serving that same food at McDonalds deserve $15 or $20 an hour is a hypocrisy, and the people working the fields deserve a living wage as much as the fast food worker. You are garbage if you think otherwise. Price gouging has nothing to do with importation of cheap labor, and you are deflecting the conversation with the best of them.

        On the subject of price gouging though, since you are so keen, the 15 companies the control all consumer goods, along with the grocery monopolies need to be broken up like Bell or Standard Oil, and be forced to actually compete in a free market. Collusion laws need to be enforced and fines need to be punitive enough they aren’t a cost of doing business.

        Companies need to be fined the same way when found not using e-verify and exploiting illegal immigrants for manual labor in construction, meat processing, etc. Companies don’t get to break the rules and just roll it into the budget.

        Acting like the importation of an undocumented underclass that can be threatened with deportation if they step out of line doesn’t depress wages in the industries they are being used in a asinine. Next you are going to say that outsourcing manufacturing from the US to China, and now from China to Africa and SE Asia doesn’t drive down the prices for those goods because the labor is cheaper and has less regulations.

        People crossing the border using smugglers to then claim asylum when caught is an exploitation of our legal immigration process, and they do it because it works. Legal immigration needs to be reformed, no shit, but the way to do that isn’t to overwhelm it to the point of failure and then rebuild something from the pieces. This equivalency of illegal and legal immigration is one of the reasons why the Democrats lost to a piece of shit like Trump, treating the Hispanic vote like they are illegals. The worst part of the Republican party is the elected part, again no shit. Like holding your nose and voting for the lesser evil is exclusively for the left, and every Republican whole heartedly personally endorses everything on the Trumpublican platform.

        Let’s see if calling anyone you disagree with a cuck helps the Democrats win more elections, because calling them a basket of deplorables worked so well in 2016. I’ll continue to vote for whomever best aligns with my own center-left ideology, and I’ll keep talking to the conservatives in my personal bubble like human beings to try and bring them around to some of the progressive ideas