Quitting jobs

Everyone has a job they don’t like and whenever someone complains about the job that they do, there’s always are going to be handfuls of people saying “QUIT UR JOB!” not really caring about whether it’ll benefit the complainer or not.

Quitting a job cold is one of the dumbest things you can do when you do not have any safety nets. No savings. No jobs lined up. Nothing planned. You are putting yourself back to a place of uncertainty and it’s not pleasant when that countdown starts. That countdown is tied to how much you have left to cover your expenses fully until you get another job and how long those expenses will pile up.

Because all it takes is one or two missed paychecks to upset your financial stability and the system you’ve made in how you pay for things.

For some people, unfortunately, quitting jobs is not as simple of an option. People are just jammed into where they are because their job market is poor or it’s highly competitive even when they went to college for that job.

  • Lvxferre [he/him]@mander.xyz
    3 months ago

    Anything that boils down to “stop thinking”. For example “have faith in the future”, “follow your guts”, “YOLO”.

      • Lvxferre [he/him]@mander.xyz
        3 months ago

        Acting is essential. However, acting is not mutually exclusive with thinking; in fact if someone acts without thinking they’re likely only causing themself and the others harm.

        And this sort of advice is rarely about “think then act”, it’s always “don’t think, only act”.

          • Lvxferre [he/him]@mander.xyz
            3 months ago

            For many, any thinking is overthinking; because they believe that acting and thinking are mutually exclusive. And this happens to be the sort of people who typically says stuff like I listed.

            And they keep doing dumb shit over and over and over and over. Harming the ones around them - not due to malice, but due to mental laziness.

            Most decisions might not be permanent, but you won’t know which ones without thinking.

      • Maalus@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        A lot of rules help with that. I have one that says “a bad in hindsight decision is better than no decision”. Ultimately, think about something but when you get stuck just “yolo” it, instead of doing nothing. So far haven’t regretted it. Also, repeated decisions having paths set in stone based on previous experience. I.e. I’m in bed, cozy, but start to feel the need to pee. I always get up to go to the toilet instead of holding it in.

    • DacoTaco@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Some of them are good advise, but like any advise take it with a grain of salt and get to the core of the advise and that is what often goes missing.

      Yolo is a good thing/example if we are talking about life experiences and just experiencing them. But that doesnt mean you should jump of a bridge without any safety cords or doing coke everything for the kicks haha.
      It essientially means that if you can, do something new (safely) so you enjoy life instead of only living it.

      Same holds for the other examples you gave.