• EnderMB@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I can see why people are starting to get a little more concerned with regards to western retaliation, given that there aren’t many more steps that can be taken before NATO finally bite the bullet, bring Ukraine into the fold, and formally enter the conflict.

    It feels like there’s a game of chicken being played by all sides, all while Ukraine lose lives and land.

    What surprises me is the lack of opposition that Putin seems to have. Close to a million Russian lives are lost, their economy is crumbling, yet no one seems to think of officially or unofficially offering a way out for the Russians. While Russia is arguably at the point of no return, a new leader could pull out immediately, rebuild relationships with the west, and transform an economy overnight. All they need to do, at a high level, is not be such a cunt.

    • Shardikprime@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Thesr kind of regimes are in a state of constant implosion because they can’t trust each others.

      The only thing that stops them from collapsing is the outward pressure of being disappeared without being able to trust anyone else.

      Challenging the status quo to them is basically suicide.

      Eventually many loyal disappear and are replaced with new members. This new layer is consumed at a very fast rate but still takes a while to disappear

      The only way it collapses is when the center concentrates so much power, without needing to disappear anyone because all possible traitors are gone, that is akin to an iron fist.

      That’s when the upper layers start collapsing on the core