Is there a variation of the game like that? And that includes both sides’ pieces, right? There is a case of making a piece too powerful for its own good.
There is kind of the opposite in Chinese Chess. The field the horsey jumps over has to be empty. And I use the singular because it moves one orthogonal and one diagonal so it’s only one field that has to be empty
Nobody knows how the horsey moves anyway so…
As best piece, horsey attacks all squares it moves through, because it’s a horse and it’s charging.
Think, noobs.
Is there a variation of the game like that? And that includes both sides’ pieces, right? There is a case of making a piece too powerful for its own good.
There is kind of the opposite in Chinese Chess. The field the horsey jumps over has to be empty. And I use the singular because it moves one orthogonal and one diagonal so it’s only one field that has to be empty