Trump’s sons are scurrying across the globe to secure new deals with foreign governments for the Trump Organization
Why should he? He has only benefitted from this behavior. This is what happens when accountability doesnt exist.
Rich people have forgotten that law is the peaceful solution. When that no longer works, people tend to take things into their own hands.
One recently found out himself…
The administration showed their hand that they didn’t really care about justice or the rule of law by sitting on their hands on going after Trump for J6 until basically too late, and even then, in a purely performative manner. They did not care about the relationship between a literal attack on our democracy and justice and accountability for the powerful. Look at Brazil. Look at SK. Both orders of magnitude more committed to the project of democracy than the US Democratic party.
In not going after Trump the very hour after taking power set Trump up for victory by putting the full cynicism of the Democratic party establishment on display. Everything that happened from 2021-2024 is an inevitable result of this weakness.
Trump gets his trials delayed. You scapegoat democrats who tried to stop him. Trump thanks you for this.
Trump documents trial start delayed indefinitely, judge orders
Judge in Trump’s hush money trial delays sentencing following Supreme Court immunity ruling
This toxic escapism you are engaging is why the Democrats and their sycophants represent a stain on democracy globally.
WHY did Trump escape justice?
This apoligism you insist upon is the very reason why Trump has been able to get away with everything he has, and while it’s small condolences, at least the world now sees these kind of idiotic arguments you are asking for what they are.
Judges made the decision to delay the trials on Trumps request. Not democrats. You’re doing the GOPs work for them.
Democrats waited fucking years to start. They should have arrested him on day one. Accepting their excuses is why they think they can get away with shit.
Trump has delayed almost all of his trials. Not democrats. You scapegoating democrats for Trumps actions helps the GOP.
Ooh! Ooh! Don’t forget its ALSO THE FUCKING REPUBLICANS ARE FUCKING WHY! There is blame on both sides, but Republican fawning has given Trump EVERY advantage that would have sunk a person percieved as less rich.
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Ya I’m sure the democrats wanted Trump to delay his trials and become president to secure the safety for their children. Because that’s what lizard people do when the earth is flat.
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So you’re one of those “both sides are the same” bad actors.
I haven’t insisted on anything just calling out a bad faith argument. That seems to get you worked up. Especially when I called out your ridiculous conspiracy theory.
There is no politics without corporate influence anywhere in the world. Even without citizens united businesses will try to influence government. Same with military. Trump is filling every office position with billionaires and foreign actors and your trying to pretend both sides are the same. If you wouldn’t pardon your own son in the same situation then you’re a shitty father. Any damage done by any administrations will effect all administrations. Democrats have passed climate change legislation while the GOP denies it’s existence and you claim they’re the same. Inflation has been trending down for the past few years but will now start going up again because of tariffs thanks to Trump. But you claim both sides are the same in bad faith.
Sounds like you drank the qanon kool-aid.
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I left the Democrats. I’m going to try and make some real change for the better. Everyone else should, too.
The Democrats are at the core of the issues; but satellite to them in this regard is mainstream media, and their apologists and sycophants in social media. The DNC have cultivated a cultural worship of elitism. It spans all major “mainstream” news networks and also public broadcasting like NPR. Its at the heart of “podcasts” like Pod-Save-America (its almost ridiculous to consider pod save anything other than just more mainstream news).
So coupled with this rejection of Democrats their needs to be a rejection of their media and the frameworks they use around political issues. Its not just enough to reject Democrats as a party; we also need to reject their media enterprise.
Merrick Garland is a fucking bitch. Glad to see his true colors instead of jerking off about a scotus that could have been
Why would he?
The Supreme Court legalized anything he does as an official act.
If he issued an executive order that all federal employees must use his hotel chain when travelling he can’t be investigated for Emoluments clause violations, Misappropriation of funds, Federal Procurement Violations, etc as it was an official act which he receives absolute immunity for.This is how fascism works.
He hid it last time?
…he didn’t bother to hide it the first time, either?
This time he’s just far more brazen about being a vengeance filled asshole.
What’s he deserve vengeance for anyway? Being a coddled fucking loser his whole stupid fuck life? Yawn.
For real, that doesn’t sound any different than the first time. I’m certain there’s somewhere that you can point to where he’s more open about it. But he was already pretty open about funneling money to him and his kin.
He didn’t bother last time.
No need. US voters are fine with it. Look at the election for proof.
why the fuck would he?
Why should he? Robert’s gave him immunity
And don’t forget that Jack Smith dropped the documents charges like the bootlicker he is. Everyone’s falling in line. All for this fat orange dumbass. It’s pathetic.
I believe the reason for that is so it can continue after his presidency. He can shut it down entirely if it’s ongoing.
You’re not informed enough to have this strong an opinion.
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Trump doesn’t follow the law, so why should everyone else have to?
Smith had no choice.
That’s bullshit. If it were anyone else, their ass would already have been rotting in prison over a year ago. I’m not buying the “he has no choice” excuse.
Are you a lawyer?
Who cares about lawyers? Trump doesn’t follow the law, so why should Smith have to?
Obviously you care about lawyers. You brought them up.