Allies did too, actually. On lower scale maybe. USSR … did have its own stuff, but it was kinda even more unhealthy (leading to blindness sometimes) than what the rest had, so it was used in extreme conditions only, usually very low temperatures, very rarely.
I personally used high doses of German military marches and pr0n to “self-medicate” being 15-17. LOL.
And Star Wars soundtracks after that. And Warcraft II soundtracks.
Allies did too, actually. On lower scale maybe. USSR … did have its own stuff, but it was kinda even more unhealthy (leading to blindness sometimes) than what the rest had, so it was used in extreme conditions only, usually very low temperatures, very rarely.
I personally used high doses of German military marches and pr0n to “self-medicate” being 15-17. LOL.
And Star Wars soundtracks after that. And Warcraft II soundtracks.