• MightBeAlpharius@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I grew up rural too, but in a less conservative area, and… Honestly, it made for some hilarious moments in sex ed.

    I think the crowning moment was in high school health class - at the start of the sex ed unit, they split us up by gender, and had both groups try to draw both reproductive systems as a baseline for what we knew. Both groups did pretry well with the male stuff, but there was a stark (and unexpected) difference in the diagrams of the female reproductive system:

    The girls group did an excellent job of drawing and labeling a vagina, but almost none of the internal bits.

    The boys group, though… One dude had noticed something about the general shape of female reproductive system in an earlier class, and came up with a his own mnemonic for it: turns out, you can sketch oit the general layout of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and birth canal pretty neatly over the dodge ram logo.