Today at work I was flipping some burgers as usual when a coworker yelled out to me “how to spell occupation” for some reason. She shouldn’t have even been on her phone and I don’t know why she asked me of all people to spell ‘occupation’ and why she needed to use that word in the first place is beyond me but that’s not important.

I tried to sound it out I just didn’t know how to spell it. There were like a bunch of other people they were all watching. I just broke down in tears then and there and ran to the bathroom. It was so embarrassing. I left like 3 hours early as I just couldn’t take being there anymore. I can’t stop thinking about it. I made myself look so stupid in front of everyone. I know I have to go back there soon but I can’t handle the humiliation and + I’m going to be in trouble with the boss for leaving early. I really don’t know what to do.

    2 months ago

    its maybe not the hardest word to spell but its certainly not the easiest. So you are really sweating it to much but you know we all get those type of overkill responses. As for the job I know having one is tough but no one should be that concerned about a burger flipping job. they suck. really no one should worry about any job but I get it. we all need the paycheck.

      2 months ago

      Shit, I have a killer vocabulary, can spell words I’ve never seen… On a good day. .

      Sometimes the brain just decides “ooh, that third letter reminds me of a story from when I was five” and now I don’t even remember the word I was trying to spell.

      Ya just gotta be able to laugh when the mind goes walkabout on you like that.