It can be low effort, passive-aggressive, insulting or derogatory towards your convictions.

    2 months ago

    Too small clothes so I’d be excited to go on a diet and lose weight… as an already very sick underweight teen with an eating disorder who wasn’t a wize zero “but you’ll get there”

    Paulo Cohelo’s garbage books to “help me with my constant depression that keeps bringing everyone down and you like books, no?”

    Stuffed animal toy thay was first intended for a baby shower but the mom didn’t want it so “why should it go to waste if you can have it as a birthday present”

    Plastic surgery offering as a sweet sixteen present “so you can feel beautiful”

    Professional acne treatment (Accutane) as a birthday present because “Oh you poor thing need it”

    A used and stained old yellow blouse “because it will make you look happier” I hate yellow.

    And the list goes on lol. That was growing up and it is one of the many reasons why I am no contact with all of those people.

    Now as an independent adult in a stable loving relaionship surrounded by nice genuine friends, I actually get very thoughtful and beautiful gifts. Some expensive, some with no monetary cost.

      2 months ago

      Interesting glimpses into a fucked up childhood via presents. Good for you that these times are over.