By being rich you can choose to use your money to employ others and create value. Or enjoy daiquiris on the beach. Your money, your choice. Same as they deserve to have a house as big as they want or a car as fast they want, and their cleaning person or mechanic doesn’t have any ownership of them. They just work there. Even if the owner does nothing, they are the owner.
As for me, I don’t see how that’s relevant, but I’m doing just fine, thanks.
And plenty of people get rich by working. Not billionaire level, but retire at 40 level. Get a job in a field in strong demand (IT, construction, etc) spend little money and invest a lot. Then you deserve to not work.
yeah, anything above a certain percent I can see as theft from working class, but profit is expected to some degree. that alone doesn’t paint a full picture at all.
Exactly. What really bugs me about lefty/antiwork sentiment lately is that it increasingly seems to be built upon and pushing fundamentally flawed black/white style concepts with unrealistic demands that don’t understand the nuances of the world we live in.
This is antithetical to progress, it alienates many supporters and breeds politically useless extremism.
“lately”? This is foundational to the entirety of left wing thought.
The left starts at abolition of capitalism and by extension corporate profit. If you disagree with that, you’re simply not left wing in any way, you would be better off in right wing or far right sites like reddit or Facebook. They’re their product of your beliefs, stick to them.
Profit shouldn’t exist, period. Get yourself a salary there Executive man and stop playing god. There is one singular reason to care about profit, and thats to get on the stock exchange to start living like an American Sultan. Profit should not exist, that money should go back to the workers and society, not into the coffer tombs of self proclaimed giants.
The world doesn’t work the way you want it to, and it never will, simply because people are too selfish. If it ever happens, it will be because we’ve transcended humanity and become something else.
How can a business/company grow and develop if it doesnt make net profit?
By making a profit and not increasing it by underpaying employees.
Easy. By definition, if the money is going back into the business it isn’t profit. It’s overhead.
Then where does profit go?
Into the pockets of the owners/investors
The ones who made it possible at the beginning, and paid workers wages from their own money? Screw those guys!
What is it about being wealthy that makes you deserve a bigger share of the results of group labor?
If anything that’s a great reason for them to get the least out of the venture, they didn’t do the work
Kill the bourgeoisie by taking their money through establishing co-ops. phase out the leech class. Then dine on their fuckin brains
Well, the capital.
Instead of fucking off to a tropical island and drink daiquiris into the sunset you decide to invest, create jobs and risk your cash.
If you don’t like it, create your own company and work for yourself, plenty of people are doing exactly that. See how easy it is to be owner/investor.
Nah these people rather do fuck all work and think they still deserve a 6 fig salary lmao
I recommend you get one of those jobs then, doing nothing for 6 figures sounds amazing. Too good to be true, on fact.
So by being rich you deserve to do nothing and get a bigger reward?
As someone who has family in C suite positions I know for a fact that C suites do not do more work than their employees
Yeah lemme just suddenly have capital, just like magic, the system totally isn’t designed to make that nearly impossible for the average person
Fuck out of here bootlicker, learn not to defend the rich cunts you’ll never get to be a part of
By being rich you can choose to use your money to employ others and create value. Or enjoy daiquiris on the beach. Your money, your choice. Same as they deserve to have a house as big as they want or a car as fast they want, and their cleaning person or mechanic doesn’t have any ownership of them. They just work there. Even if the owner does nothing, they are the owner.
As for me, I don’t see how that’s relevant, but I’m doing just fine, thanks.
And plenty of people get rich by working. Not billionaire level, but retire at 40 level. Get a job in a field in strong demand (IT, construction, etc) spend little money and invest a lot. Then you deserve to not work.
yeah, anything above a certain percent I can see as theft from working class, but profit is expected to some degree. that alone doesn’t paint a full picture at all.
Exactly. What really bugs me about lefty/antiwork sentiment lately is that it increasingly seems to be built upon and pushing fundamentally flawed black/white style concepts with unrealistic demands that don’t understand the nuances of the world we live in.
This is antithetical to progress, it alienates many supporters and breeds politically useless extremism.
“lately”? This is foundational to the entirety of left wing thought.
The left starts at abolition of capitalism and by extension corporate profit. If you disagree with that, you’re simply not left wing in any way, you would be better off in right wing or far right sites like reddit or Facebook. They’re their product of your beliefs, stick to them.
lol we’re getting downvoted
Profit shouldn’t exist, period. Get yourself a salary there Executive man and stop playing god. There is one singular reason to care about profit, and thats to get on the stock exchange to start living like an American Sultan. Profit should not exist, that money should go back to the workers and society, not into the coffer tombs of self proclaimed giants.
The world doesn’t work the way you want it to, and it never will, simply because people are too selfish. If it ever happens, it will be because we’ve transcended humanity and become something else.