Tell that to my dog. Granted that sentient trash compacter eats anything and everything and somehow hasn’t done more than barf up a sock every once in a while
Yeah we’ve largely accepted that we will one day come home and find her stomach has finally met it’s match. With young kids in the house there’s only so much we can do to stop her from eating anything and everything she can
You can’t just not say what it was
Green onions.
Oh nooo that’s so good, is it just green ones?
Ye! It’s very strange. I haven’t noticed an effect from standard white/yellow onions or anything. Just green onions.
Ever since I cut them out of my diet, I’ve never had an issue since.
I did love green onions… but I also love not shitting blood and passing out in front of strangers.
I prefer passing out in front of strangers and then shitting blood personally. Try it in that order you may be able to enjoy green onions again!
Tempting. Veeeeery tempting.
Huh, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as green onions. I’ve only heard of red and white before.
edit: wait, looked it up. Apparently green onions are what we call “scallions” where I’m from.
Probably chicken bones. I’ve heard of people who like eating them have serious issues.
Do not eat bones. Seriously people, I can’t stress this enough!
I don’t eat chicken bones on the regular, if at all.
But turns out it was green onion.
My condolences! I love green onion! That’s a really weird food reaction!
Not many chickens where he lives I’d guess. Maybe it’s fish bones? (His username is SharkEatingBreakfast… and Im explaining a dumb joke… Fuck)
Tell that to my dog. Granted that sentient trash compacter eats anything and everything and somehow hasn’t done more than barf up a sock every once in a while
Your dog may be fine 99% of the time but one day you could wind up with a very expensive vet bill!
Don’t let the dog eat garlic or onion, it’s poisonous to most animals. Not sure about after heat treatment, but I wouldn’t risk it
Yeah we’ve largely accepted that we will one day come home and find her stomach has finally met it’s match. With young kids in the house there’s only so much we can do to stop her from eating anything and everything she can
It was definitely something weird that everyone would tell them was the obvious thing.
“I just like dipping my fries in crude oil. What of it?”
“I had recently switched from salt on my tomatoes to crushed glass for the extra crunch.”