Close, proceduraly generated so psuedo-randomly to ensure that no planets are exactly alike. If you spend enough time in game it does begin to feel a bit like more of the same. Within 24 hours of this update I had already found a few things I had never seen anything similar to in the game.
Isn’t the game’s universe randomly generated and had nearly infinite worlds since launch? 🤨
Close, proceduraly generated so psuedo-randomly to ensure that no planets are exactly alike. If you spend enough time in game it does begin to feel a bit like more of the same. Within 24 hours of this update I had already found a few things I had never seen anything similar to in the game.
It adds more complexity and distinction between planets, at least.
Yeah, there’s still quadrillions of planets unexplored. This is just icing on the cake I guess?
“we added more shit nobody will ever see!”
I mean yeah but it’s still cool