Payback - Slayer
mmm so many slayer tunes can fit a beat down. payback is chef kiss though.
notable ones from slayer that came to mind for me
hell awaits, spill the blood, raining blood war ensemble, ok I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of slayer songs work for a variety of violent scenarios. this may seem obvious but it took me a bit to get there.
The entire Rage Against the Machine discography. I have a lot of punching to do.
I’m shipping out to Boston
It’s probably a boring answer but Deify by Disturbed. That, or I could go with something completely out of left field like this.
I’m going with “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor. Seems white castley and ass kicky.
Take the power back - Rage Against the Machine
Damn near any song by them would be great.
What’s the name of the Benny Hill theme song?
Yakety Sax
City Hall by Tenacious D.
🎵We’ll have ‘em screaming in the streets and tipping over cars and breaking windows of small businesses and setting fucking fires! Setting fuckin’ fires! And setting fucking fires!🎵
Not the government totally sucks?
The entire sound track of Hotline Miami 1 and 2.
If I had to pick one, Hydrogen by MOON.
Proud to be an American-Lee Greenwood
Don’t stop me now -Queen
blitzkrieg bop by the ramones
Goddamn that’s a good choice.