Understandable choice, given that Skype is pretty much redundant with Teams. Back in 2004-2005 Skype was really hyped because of free voice calls through the Internet, but few days later several other messaging apps incorporated that feature; Skype’s thunder was stolen. Also its inconsistent branding was a problem: there was Skype for Business that later became Lync, ultimately becoming Teams. Skype kind of became forgotten and obsolete.
I only used Skype for one thing: cheap calls from Canada to international landlines with no time limit and without having to pay a monthly subscription. Can anyone recommend a good alternative? A lot of the options out there look a bit scammy.
I tend to use Signal for international calls.
I don’t think you can call landlines from it though.
Likely so. But even my 78-year-old mom got rid of her landline a few years ago. That’s a niche use case in 2025.