A survey of more than 2,000 smartphone users by second-hand smartphone marketplace SellCell found that 73% of iPhone users and a whopping 87% of Samsung Galaxy users felt that AI adds little to no value to their smartphone experience.
SellCell only surveyed users with an AI-enabled phone – thats an iPhone 15 Pro or newer or a Galaxy S22 or newer. The survey doesn’t give an exact sample size, but more than 1,000 iPhone users and more than 1,000 Galaxy users were involved.
Further findings show that most users of either platform would not pay for an AI subscription: 86.5% of iPhone users and 94.5% of Galaxy users would refuse to pay for continued access to AI features.
From the data listed so far, it seems that people just aren’t using AI. In the case of both iPhone and Galaxy users about two-fifths of those surveyed have tried AI features – 41.6% for iPhone and 46.9% for Galaxy.
So, that’s a majority of users not even bothering with AI in the first place and a general disinterest in AI features from the user base overall, despite both Apple and Samsung making such a big deal out of AI.
I hate that i can no longer trust what comes out of my phone camera to be an accurate representation of reality. I turn off all the AI enhancement stuff but who knows what kind of fuckery is baked into the firmware.
NO, i dont want fake AI depth of field. NO, i do not want fake AI “makeup” fixing my ugly face. NO, i do not want AI deleting tourists in the background of my picture of the eiffel tower.
NO, i do not want AI curating my memories and reality. Sure, my vacation photos have shitty lighting and bad composition. But they are MY photos and MY memories of something i experienced personally. AI should not be “fixing” that for me
classic techbro overhype
Add new feature into everything without seperating and offering choice to opt out of it
Is there a black mirror episode for that? A technology, that automatically edits your memories to be inaccurate, but “better”.
@9488fcea02a9 @ForgottenFlux I remember reading a whole article about how Samsung now just shoves a hi-res picture of the moon on top of pictures you take with the moon in so it looks like it takes impressive photos. Not sure if the scandal meant they removed that “feature” or not
It is absolutely useless for everyday simple tasks I find.
Who the fuck needs AI to SUMMARIZE an EMAIL, GOOGLE?
Get out of my face Gemini!
Or the shitty notification summary. If someone wrote something to me, then it’s important enough for me to read it. I don’t need 3 bullet points with distorted info from AI.
Yahoo was using their shitty AI tool to summarize emails THEN REPLACE THE FUCKING SUBJECT LINES WITH THE SUMMARY!
It immediately hallucinated raffle winners for a sneaker company and iirc they started getting death threats.
Who the fuck needs AI to SUMMARIZE an EMAIL, GOOGLE?
The executives who don’t do any real work, pretend they do (chiefly to themselves), and make ALL of the purchasing decisions despite again not doing any real work.
It’d be way less offensive if it was just present as an option, instead of dancing around flashing at me
This is what happens when companies prioritize hype over privacy and try to monetize every innovation. Why pay €1,500 for a phone only to have basic AI features? AI should solve real problems, not be a cash grab.
Imagine if AI actually worked for users:
- Show me all settings to block data sharing and maximize privacy.
- Explain how you optimized my battery last week and how much time it saved.
- Automatically silence spam calls without selling my data to third parties.
- Detect and block apps that secretly drain data or access my microphone.
- Automatically organize my photos by topic without uploading them to the cloud.
- Make everything i could do with TASKER with only just saying it in plain words.
How could you ensure AI to privately sort your pictures, if the requests to analyze your sensitive imagery need to be made on a server? (that based its knowledge of disrespecting others copyright anyway, lol)
Why it must connect to a server to do it? Why can not offline? Deepseek showed us that it is possible. The companies want everyone to think that AI only works online. For example AI image enhancements in my mid range Samsung phone work offline.
oh my bad, sorry im not well versed.
Thats why I asked :p
A lot of people think as a must that AI = permanent server connection. I don’t mind if it is a bit slower but part of my device.
Make everything i could do with TASKER with only just saying it in plain words.
Stop, I can only get so hard.
“PLEASE use our hilariously power inefficient wrongness machine.”
Apple Intelligence is trash and only lasted 2 days on my 16 pro. Not turning it back on either.
I’m on my iPhone 12 since it came out in sept 2020 (I bought it on Halloween 2020 lol) and apart from battery health being 77%, I have NO reasons to upgrade and even then, I’ll change the battery when it gets to 70% and… that’s it.
Phones just aren’t exciting anymore. I used to watch so much phone reviews on YouTube and now they are all just… the same. Folding phones aren’t that interesting for me. I saw that there is a new battery technology, but that’s like the only new fun feature I’m interested in.
Most performance upgrades aren’t used in the real world and AI suuuuucks
That’s because it is.
Pointless resource hogging bloatware.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that it’s useless.
I don’t think it’s meant to be useful…for us, that is. Just another tool to control and brainwash people. I already see a segment of the population trust corporate AI as an authority figure in their lives. Now imagine kids growing up with AI and never knowing a world without. People who have memories of times before the internet is a good way to relate/empathize, at least I think so.
How could it not be this way? Algorithms trained people. They’re trained to be fed info from the rich and never seek anything out on their own. I’m not really sure if the corps did it on purpose or not, at least at first. Just money pursuit until powerful realizations were made. I look at the declining quality of Google/Youtube search results. As if they’re discouraging seeking out information on your own. Subtly pushing the path of least resistance back to the algorithm or now perhaps a potentially much more sinister “AI” LLM chatbot. Or I’m fucking crazy, you tell me.
Like, we say dead internet. Except…nothing is actually stopping us from ditching corporate internet websites and just go back to smaller privately owned or donation run forums.
Big part of why I’m happy to be here on the newfangled fediverse, even if it hasn’t exploded in popularity at least it has like-minded people, or you wouldn’t be here.
Check out debate boards. Full of morons using ChatGPT to speak for them and they’ll both openly admit it and get mad at you for calling it dehumanizing and disrespectful.
/tinfoil hat
Edit to add more old man yells at clouds(ervers) detail, apologies. Kinda chewing through these complex ideas on the fly.
nothing is actually stopping us from ditching corporate internet websites and just go back to smaller privately owned or donation run forums.
I didn’t even realize until you said this that I already do that lol
We do, I just wish it was all of us globally.
Good point…
Much like certain other trends like 3D TVs, this helps us see how often “visionaries” at the top of a company are charmed by ideas that no one on the ground is interested in. Same with blockchain, cryptocurrency, and so many other buzzwords.
So maybe I’ll mention it again: The Accountable Capitalism Act would require 40% of a company’s board be made up of democratically voted employees, who can provide more practical input about how top-level decisions would affect the people working there.
I could actually see 3D TVs taking off, even with the requirement for glasses. At the time, there was a fad for 3D movies in theaters. But, they needed to have gotten with content creators so that there was a reason to own one. There was no content, so no one invested, so probably in a year or two there’s going to be some Youtubers making videos of “I finally found Sony’s forgotten 3D TV.”
I can see why people thought 3d tvs were a great idea, until they actually experienced it for themselves. It also didn’t help that so much content wasn’t genuinely shot in 3d, either, but altered in post.
“AI” (as in LLMs for the sake of having LLMs accessible on your phone) is so fucking useless…
From a technical standpoint it’s pretty cool, I love playing around with Ollama on my PC every now and then.
But the average Joe seems to think it’s some magic being with absolute fucking knowledge you can talk to using your phone. Apart from being stupid, I think this might actually endanger human capabilities like critical thinking as well as reasoning and creativity.
So many people use “Chat Jippity” to look up stuff. I know google is enshitificated… but OH MY GOD.
After having mostly relevant Information available for everyone, the zone was flooded with Advertisement and FakeNews, and now the FakeNews are generated directly on the User’s device… no interaction and connection to anyone necessary.
I think the hate of AI does what you describe more than the actual AI
Yeah, no
Definitely is. It’s identical to the fear of immigrants. Like they just recycled the same articles. It’s manufactured outrage. It’ll either work or it doesn’t. We’ll find out. Not a big deal either way. Getting my information on this from media created by non tech literature journalists (who feel most threatened by AI) isn’t a great move. It’s like watching Fox News to stay on top of the latest immigration problems.
Take any articles on AI and put “immigrants” into the headline. It’s weird how it’s all the same crap. “They’re taking our jobs” “they threaten our way of life” “society can’t handle the influx of this thing”.
can we not compare the media’s complicity in the dehumanization of a group of people currently being targeted by fascist regimes to articles about whether a certain technology is useful or not
Not being critical of the way media spreads propaganda in any form is what allows it to be used to dehumanize in the first place.
It’s not a good idea to wait until the house is on fire to install the batteries in the fire alarm
I hate that nowadays AI == LLM/chatbot.
I love the AI classifiers that keep me safe from spam or that help me categorise pictures. I love the AI based translators that allow me to write in virtually any language almost like a real speaker.
What I hate is these super advanced stocastic parrots that manage to pass the Turing test and, so, people assume they think.
I am pretty sure that they asked specifically about LLM/chatbots the percentage of people not caring would be even higher
AI present on Apple and Samsung phones are indeed useless.
They have small language models that summarise notification and rewrite your messages and emails. Those are pretty useless.
Image editing AI that removes unwanted people from your photos have some use.
However top AI tools like deep research, Cursor which millions of developers are using to assist developers with coding are objectively very useful.
My kids school just did a survey and part of it included questions about teaching technology with a big focus on the use of AI. My response was “No” full stop. They need to learn how to do traditional research first so that they can spot check the error ridden results generated by AI. Damn it school, get off the bandwagon.
I say this as an education major, and former teacher. That being said, please keep fighting your PTA on this.
We didn’t get actually useful information in high school, partially because our parents didn’t think there was anything wrong with the curriculum.
I’m absolutely certain that there are multiple subjects that you may have skipped out on, if you’d had any idea that civics, shop, home economics, and maybe accounting were going to be the closest classes to “real world skills that all non collegate educated people still need to know.”
I regret not taking shop and home economics. Filing taxes and balancing checkbooks would be good skills to learn also.
I suppose that’s exactly what they should be teaching.
And what exactly is the difference between researching shit sources on plain internet and getting the same shit via an AI, except manually it takes 6 hours and with AI it takes 2 minutes?
I think the fact someone would need to explain this to you makes it pointless to try and explain it to you. I can’t tell whether you’re honestly asking a question or just searching for a debate to attempt to justify your viewpoint.
You’re implicating, there are trusted sources, I am saying, there are no trusted sources whatsoever, and you should equally doubt any source. So, who’s the one not understanding some principle?
Ai is a waste of time for me; I don’t want it on my phone , I don’t want it on my computer and I block it every time I have the chance. But I might be old fashioned in that I don’t like algorithms recommending anything to me either. I never cared what the all seeing machine has to say.
I do not need it, and I hate how it’s constantly forced upon me.
Current AI feels like the Metaverse. There’s no demand for it or need for it, yet they’re trying their damndest to shove it into anything and everything like it’s a new miracle answer to every problem that doesn’t exist yet.
And all I see it doing is making things worse. People use it to write essays in school; that just makes them dumber because they don’t have to show they understand the topic they’re writing. And considering AI doesn’t exactly have a flawless record when it comes to accuracy, relying on it for anything is just not a good idea currently.
If they write essays with it and the teacher is not checking their actual knowledge, the teacher is at fault, not the AI. AI is literally just a tool, like a pen or a ruler in school. Except much much bigger and much much more useful.
It is extremely important to teach children, how to handle AI properly and responsibly or else they will be fucked in the future.
I agree it is a tool, and they should be taught how to use it properly, but I disagree that is like a pen or a ruler. It’s more like a GPS or Roomba. Yes, they are tools that can make your life easier, but it’s better to learn how to read a map and operate a vacuum or a broom than to be taught to rely on the tool doing the hard work for you.
You are sincerely advocating for teaching how to read a physical map? When will you ever need that ever, without a Zombie apocalypse?
It might be good to teach them this skill additionally, for the sake of brain development. But we should stay in reality and not replace real tools with obsolete ones in education, because children should be prepared for the real world and not for some world, that does not exist (anymore).
Same reason, why I find it ridiculous, how much children are cushioned to the brim and are denied to see the real world for 17 years and ~355 days, in the USA system. As soon as they are 18, they start to see the real world and they are not at all prepared for this surprise.
You are sincerely advocating for teaching how to read a physical map? When will you ever need that ever, without a Zombie apocalypse?
I strongly advocate it, it’s a basic skill. Like simple math, reading and writing, being able to balance a budget, cooking, etc, being able to read a map is a necessary basic skill.
Maps aren’t obsolete. GPS literally works off of the existence maps. Trying to claim maps are obsolete is like saying that cooking food at home is obsolete because you can order delivery.
Do I use Gen AI extensively?…
No but, do I find it useful?..…
Also no.
please burst that bubble already so i can get a cheap second hand server grade gpu