Seems like the feeds are more active and I’m not hitting things with 3 upvotes 20 minutes into my scroll. Did Connect change something, did Lemmy or are we just seeing some population increase from Boost?
Relay for Reddit just started requiring a paid subscription, so a lot of people are jumping ship.
I think it was the last free 3rd party app left.
The last 3rd party app that is still holding its ground is infinity. It’s a great app but a lot of users are telling the developer to just stop supporting Reddit.
Boost for Reddit quietly still works for moderators but the app is probably now unmaintained with all development effort (one guy) going towards the Lemmy version
Yeah. Boost still works fine for me though some bugs are there. Downloading videos isn’t working properly and uploading images to posts is broken.
But then again, any app is better than the official one.
The official app is so terrible. I’ll probably still check reddit occasionally using redreader once boost for reddit finally dies but it’ll be a tiny fraction of my previous use. You’d have to pay me to use the official app.
Infinity has been subscription only for a month now. Unless you take the code and put in your own api key if you can still get it, you’re not using it for free
RedReader gang
RedReader is a thing. But the UX is kinda bad, and it’s probably only a matter of time before reddit kills that as well or it goes paid
They are supposed to keep it around for accessibility.
Supposed being the most important word here.
That’s like google keeping mozilla firefox to not be technically a browser monopoly.
Keeping one ugly app for accessibility just to say that they also care for the community of disabled /accessibility challenged people.
My dear Relay 😢. Relay for Reddit is dead, long live Relay for Reddit.
Same here with “Now for Reddit” i want to ween off Reddit from desktop as well but a lot of niche gaming communities are dead here on lemmy
There was a recent boost…. From Boost. Maybe those that came over are more posters rather than lurkers like we’re used to getting. I can’t say I’ve seen some major change though so I have no clue as to what you’re talking about.
There’s no real algorithm as we know it. I take that word as spying on you and taking your likes into mind to feed you more things. Doesn’t work like that at all on here.
A lot of us made accounts, or at least started regularly using the platform, when Boost was released. Previously there wasn’t a client for my phone that I liked much and I reddit/lemmy almost exclusively on mobile these days.
I think you’ll see even more activity when reddit actually slams the door on 3rd party clients. Most still work for now provided your account meets some annoying minor criteria.
I’m glad for sure. Welcome.
Being a mod?
Yup! Weirdly though I’m not and everything works fine, I’m not sure what I did to trigger that flag.
Odd, I haven’t bothered trying. I did try patching sync once It didn’t work and I didn’t try further.
I haven’t had to patch Boost at all, it just keeps chugging along. I’m sure it’ll implode sooner or later when reddit actually bans all of the currently used API keys.
The only things I can think of that might have flagged my account as a moderator are having one public multireddit and having made one u/ self post when people kept asking me the same question about parts for a laptop screen mod a few years ago.
I’m one of those boost people. I’d believe if you subscribed to have the app get installed in an uncertain future where it was ready for Lemmy you probably where pretty interested on it and not a casual browser
That’s a very good point. And welcome!
I think of those as predatory algorithms. Tailored for engagement/screen-time based on everything they know specifically about you
I do to, but don’t you think when most people say “algorithm” these days that’s what they’re referring to?
I think they do. I’m not* a prescriptivist but things are going to get confusing. We’re going to need terms for when we want to be specific.
Funny I find myself using Jerboa and Sync as I’m too lazy to change instances and views within one app. It’s all about the instance and the default mode I’m finding
both, but isn’t algorithm(we don’t have that here) but problems with federations is being resolved and the code is being optimized , causing less problems on the servers
There’s a ‘New’ algorithm, an ‘Old’ algorithm, a ‘Hot’ algorithm, an ‘Active’ algorithm, a ‘Most Comments’ algorithm, a ‘New Comments’ algorithm, a…
I’m looking forward to the new Scaled algorithm that comes with 0.19
Scaled: Like hot, but gives a boost to less active communities
Algorithm doesn’t mean what you think it does.
There’s algorithms. Just not user tailored ones.
The upcoming plans for forced targeted ads on Reddit may also have something to do with it.
Still need to see more nsfw content doe
be the change you wamt to see
Post hole, slut
/S obviously
There’s no algorithm to speak of in Lemmy. It’s just all sorted by date and shown to you (which, technically speaking, is also an algorithm). In the next version (0.19) there will be, though.
Hot, Active and Top are algorithms.
hot, active and top
fans myself oh my
I prefer that to something like Facebook or Twitter which tries to guess what you personally want to see.
Oh most definitely, fuck all that black-box algorithm nonsense. “we know what you want, and you will like it!”
It always seemed very self-reinforcing and circular to me, like “we showed you a dog and a cat, you clicked on a dog, so now we show you 8 dogs and 2 cats, and you mainly click on dogs! All dogs from here!”
It’s also not what lay-people mean when they say “algorithm” in context of social media, which you can easily infer from the OP’s question. That’s why I replied as such and specified that even sorting by date is indeed an algorithm.
I’m replying to the question being asked, you’re replying with “akchually”.
A post sorting algorithm doesn’t have to be personalized. When OP asks “has the algorithm changed” it could certainly mean Hot or Active sorting.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to try to redefine what “algorithm” means in the context of social media. Hot and top are sorting algorithms, so are the personalized feeds other websites try to present to you. Saying “hot” is not an algorithm because that’s not what people “mean” is just going to cause confusion.
The only person here achktuallying is you. Normal people mean exactly what they say when you are talking sorts.
You’re just completely wrong lol
I’m with you on this one
Well, correcting someone on a technicality is a common hobby among IT people, sadly. Everyone’s happy, I guess - I provided the answer OP was (I think) looking for, they got to boost their ego by correcting someone and I don’t particularly care about those idiots.
OP is clearly talking about the existing algorithm so you’re wrong on both points ackchually 😆
There’s also sort by Top (with various time filters), Hot, Active, and Most/New Comments, all of which are very much algorithms. What it doesn’t have is sorting based on user activity, which also isn’t what’s coming in 0.19. What’s being added is basically the same as ‘Hot’, but takes into consideration the activity on the sub, so as to let smaller subs in a user’s feed not be drowned out by more active subs.
Is that not what “active” means?
Active sorting orders posts by most recent comment, with a preference for newer and higher voted posts.
It’s explained a bit in the documentation:
I think active is global activity rather than relative activity.
I’m in the connect community using connect and it defaults to Hot. Hot in the past has led to duplicate and very little activity posts showing up without too much scrolling.