I use this for university and it’s a great open source notes app!
How does it compare to Zim?
Why should I use this and not Obsidian?
Obsidian is not free software?! How could anybody even browsing this community consider obsidian?
Not everybody is fanatical about it. Some of us prefer open source software, but practically speaking wont use software that is straight up inferior. “What are the benefeits of this product over this other product” is always a valid question, and needs a better answer than “because it’s open source.” At least for me.
I’m not saying that cherry tree is inferior software, btw. I used it for like 5 years and loved it.
Not a valid response.
I use this one for all my work related notes. It’s simply great. Unlike many other note taking apps CherryTree is not made with Electron. So it’s both powerful and very light
Been using it for years now. Such a fantastic and straight to the point tool, that still has all of the functionality one might need.
CherryTree is one of those apps that is very likely never goong to be removed from my devices.