Using the add game to desktop shortcut dosen’t work and only adds a broken badge and dosen’t really add it to the system, plz help!! NEW TO LINUX!!!

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    2 years ago

    I just tested on mine:

    Right click game in steam, add shortcut to desktop double-click shortcut, game runs.

    I checked the shortcut to see what the command is (right-click, properties):

    steam steam://rungameid/648800

    Is that what you have? The only thing I can think of is that steam isn’t in your path, ie when you double click the shortcut it tries to run ‘steam’ but then can’t find it.

    If you open a terminal and type:

    which steam

    what’s your output? You should have something like /usr/bin/steam