I’m curious what users feel makes a great sci-fi story. What elements do you feel “make or break” the story specifically where sci-fi is concerned? For me, I really enjoyed the Expanse series, as it feels like there’s a sort of “believability” to it all. The authors make everything seem very realistic, even if some of the descriptions and physics are made up.

What is it about your favorite sci-fi books and shows that make them your favorites?

  • Cruxifux@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I feel like a good sci fi story has fantastic but plausible scenarios that bring questions about philosophy that we wouldn’t normally see to the forefront, or possibly ones we do often converse about but don’t see within that context.

    Also I love me a good story about aliens that evolved differently and how their culture differs because of these changes, and how they interact with us.

    Also I love a good incomprehensible space demon/all powerful AI horror story.