i can’t stand megathreads – no one reads these! no one wants their posts banished there!
When people turn a popular post into an Oscars Acceptance Speech
ETA: wow thanks for the upvotes!
ETA2: omg my first gold award?? I couldn’t have made it without my mom and Jesus through whom all things are possible
ETA: thanks for one upvote!😃
ETA2: thanks for two upvotes!😀😀
ETA3: woah?! 3?!?!?! thanks for three upvotes!😁😁😁
ETA4: this is more upvotes than I have money in my bank account! thanks for four upvotes!💵💵💵
ETA5: INASANE!!! thanks for five upvotes!😍😍😍
ETA6: I’ve never had more than SIX!!! thanks for six upvotes! 😱😱😱😱😱
ETA7: thanks for seven upvotes! I want to thank my mom, my brother, Jesus, Scott, Bill Gates, and my cat!!!🤗🤗
ETA8: What? Why y’all downvoting me now? Bring it back to seven!😤😤😤
ETA9: Unbelievable. -400 upvotes now. I lost my house, my car, and my job because of this! 😔😔😣😖😖😖😭😭
How do I give Lemmy gold?
Best Lemmy comment so far
I also hate “happy cake day”, and “this”. Especially “this”. It’s a worthless comment that adds nothing more to the discussion than a simple upvote.
I always thought that was a sign it was astroturfed. Like my post? Give Reddit money!
Trick to avoiding that is to never get gold. Took me 10 years to never get gold once. I’m good at what I don’t do.
😂 this really annoys me on Quora. I never understood why one feels the necessity to do so.
I had my entire Oscars Acceptance Speech all ready to go in 2018 for nothing. Stupid Frances McDormand.
For a second, I seriously thought the fediverse logo next your username was an award 😂
Hey, it can be one if you believe it! It’s well-deserved commendation for your contribution to the Fediverse.
This may be an unpopular option since I’ve already seen it across lemmy, but the ____porn communities. I’d like to browse pictures of nice landscapes or exotic cars without worry about someone around me noticing “PORN” on my screen.
At this point it seems very old internet, something that made sense when those communities were established, but now is unnecessary gratuitous and not socially acceptable.
I saw a post about a community created here called “pixel passport” which I thought was a hell of a lot better that “earth porn.”
EarthPixels. CarPixels. PornPixels. HistoryPixels. This could work.
Those are great names! I would subscribe to more communities with names like that.
OnlyPixels sounds great, too, for a general community of nice everything.
Voat, when it was still around, had this same discussion and settled on using _Pix for everything.
What a wild site that was, some real loons were on it, but I did appreciate the fact it wasn’t so overly moderated. At the end though it just felt like a sanctuary of hate that had driven out most of the sane people.
I really like that name. Way better than Earthporn. Thank you for sharing, I subscribed!
Link: !pixelpassport@lemm.ee
Indeed. I like ‘Earthporn’ too, but I think it should be all nature pictures that look like genitalia and suchlike. Rocks or trees that look like penises for example.
Damn, I had forgotten how obnoxious that was on Reddit. Blocked all of those years ago because it was just unnecessary and a gross way to qualify otherwise unremarkable photos.
It never bothered me per se, but it’s definitely awkward to come across some chapter of human suffering on r/HistoryPorn.
Couldn’t agree more. It sucks to try to bring someone to a new platform and go “you love decorating right? Then check /r/roomporn! No no, it’s not porn I swear… Sigh”
Nothing like someone peaking over your shoulder and seeing you’re browsing r/AnimalPorn…
I totally agree with you. Hopefully lemmy can be a little more mature with community names. (Yeah, yeah… I know the hypocrisy of my username… It’s my gamertag)
There is (was?) a ”nosillysuffix” sub that would aggregate all those *porn subs.
Do you mean actual NSFW content or things being called “_____ porn” like “unix porn” or “fight porn”?
not op but they mean the latter
deleted by creator
I sometimes block them within the app. I use Liftoff.
Funny you say that cause I’ve been here less than a day and already have seen more porn in All than I ever did on reddit’s /r/all.
I agree, but I also think that porn should still be welcome here. The issue is there needs to be better control over it entering the feeds, not that the communities themselves should be abolished.
I think the above commenter is referring to stuff like EarthPorn or FoodPorn or UnixPorn
Oh duh I always hated the names of those subs. The only thing worse are subs like InterestingAsFuck and NextFuckingLevel which always gave the same vibes as a Watchmojo video.
no. fuck you.
I’ve tried a couple apps and it looks like they’re trying to at the very least not have uncensored porn on your all feed. So that’s a step up.
On Lemmy? I block multiple porn subs a week that are popping up on my feed. It feels relentless to me.
Wait till you hear how much I learn and engage with the world in r/animetitties
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
I agree. I think it’s terrible name, and ti just invites unnecessary drama.
That and the unnecessary profanity.
Subs like nextfuckinglevel. It just seems so immature.
Can we stop talking about Reddit? Let it go.
Moderators who coddle bigots.
All I want is that top comments under posts are something insightful and related to the post, and not just the same one liner boring jokes that keep getting upvoted for some reason.
Creative writing presented as truth
Oh man, this is something I definitely hope to never see again. I’m so tired of the unbelievable TIFUs, AITAs, and/or OffMyChests with thousands of upvotes that had obviously-fake stories.
The worst one (in recent history) was that TIFU with the student who slept with their professor’s daughter.
Part 1: https://libreddit.de/r/tifu/comments/1379pge/tifu_by_hooking_up_with_professors_daughter/
Part 2: https://libreddit.de/r/tifu/comments/137u9bk/tifupdate_by_hooking_up_with_professors_daughter/
Part 3: https://libreddit.de/r/tifu/comments/1391lmj/tifupdate_i_cuckolded_my_professor/
I hope this kind of bullshit never happens here.
And all of the rage bait posts too (including in those subs).
It will, there will always be charlatans looking to get their jollies by lying for an audience.
Or pics being grounds for sob stories and creative writing prompts to get more upvotes on theur shitty pictures. That’s why I unsubbed from r/pics and subbed to /r/nocontextpics. Cool photos, no sob stories.
“Thanks for the gold kind stranger”
You forgot to add the "Edit: " part because they always have to come back and edit every 2 minutes.
Edit: “Whoa my first gold! Thanks!”
Edit2: “Wow this is silly, thanks everyone!”
Edit3: “While you’re here, let me tell you my life story.”
EditAdNauseum: High pitched ear ringing
Uhhhg. Reddit award acceptance speeches like anyone cares.
“Oh wow thank you for giving a giant corporation your money because of something I said!”
Please don’t let /c/asklemmy become like /r/askreddit, which had half of the front-page posts being the same sex related questions every month.
“Women of reddit, what non sexual thing that guys so makes you horny?”
“What is the sexiest thing you regret doing?”
“How many cocks have you sucked while your cat judges you while waiting for you to feed it?”
It was bullshit.
r/the_donald or anything like it. Kindly fuck off with all of that shit.
I absolutely hate the love for revenge violence. Stuff like celebration people running over protestors in their cars because they were forced to stop on the road. Or bleeding out after someone got shot when they robbed a store.
This includes that fact that you can basically guarantee every thread contains at least one comment claiming “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”
I haaate “equal rights means equal lefts.”
These dudes fantasize about a woman picking a fight with them so they can beat the shit out of one and have it be socially acceptable.
I saw one of those just before I left Reddit. A woman slapped a guy with her flat hand (they didn’t show you why) and he knocked her unconscious. And Reddit was celebrating the guy 🤮.
Riiight? Like, women shouldn’t be hitting people for sure and there should be consequential. But men celebrating that women getting knocked out gives me the creeps. Honestly, if it was anyone substantially larger knocking out someone so much weaker of any gender or age it would be wrong. Imaging a body builder knocking out an old man or a small boy? Very wrong. I think everyine could agree there. But reddit just loves to celebrate this specific brand if violence on women.
Imaging a body builder knocking out an old man or a small boy?
People’s outrage would never reach criticality in those cases as men are currently viewed as expendable and a socially acceptable target of hate in general society at large
You’re in a bananas level victim mindset if you genuinely think this. My whole state freaked out because the police shoved an old man over on camera once.
While that would be ideal and it makes me feel a bit gross when I catch myself thinking the same things sometimes, it’s inevitable. Retribution is one of the easiest ways to exact a punishment, violent or not.
Karma-whoring. It’s already started with the stupid “upote my can of beans” posts… Dude nobody cares about your internet points, either activity participate or fuck off to Instagram.
Comments like:
Use the upvote button and shut up.
The “hivemind” ignoring the correct information or even worse, encouraging the wrong information.
Does anyone else remember the whole Boston Bomber fiasco (i.e. We did it, Reddit)?
When someone would ask a good question that you also wanna know the answer to, but then all the “answers” were just jokes bc everyone wanna get upvotes. I dont really mind jokes but those times it was a bit sad, then sometimes no one would answer for real bc i guess they see 10 replies and assume surely one of them is real already.
Also repost bots.
And apple vs samsung feuds.
And sometimes looked like whenever some people try to organize action or protests, comments just spamming that “protests do nothing” or “voting does nothing,” or “what is this gonna do,” not suggesting any other solution either, almost like trying to encourage apathy? Or discourage action. Sometimes i wondered if those were bots.
Also the r/wooosh when someone didn’t understand a joke. .-.
Fuck ads.
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