I actually found the weirdest hack for names on TikTok. Let’s say his name is Fred. First think what weapon you’re gonna kill him with that starts with an “F”. Then pick a part of his body as the how. Example: I’m going to kill Fred with a fireaxe by chopping off his foot.
It is freaky how effective this is.Brb, changing my name to Xavier in case I ever meet Gamerman153
Nice to meet ya Xavier… Gonna have to enlist the X-Men to take him out with maybe an X-ray…
I’ll stick to trying to use the name three times, instead. Thanks.
I’m so busy trying to act like a normal human being and not forgetting my name like a weirdo, that I just don’t have capacity to remember the name of someone for more than 3 seconds.
Not sure if people think I’m weird, but I’ll write down names of neighbors in Google keep.
Like Michael scott “brad, 2 kids with orange cat named sunny”
Wow, you talk to your neighbours?
It’s because you deprioritized knowing it in the first place, to try to focus on what they were discussing
Does repetition and memory rules help an ADHD brain?
Not sure, I can’t remember
repeat it within 5 min then 10
Doesn’t help. I’d have to ask again by then.
So what? Better ask sooner rather than later. It’s normal to forget.
It sounds like the method “doesn’t help” you to not feel shame at not having a superhuman memory, which is true, but it WILL help you have a functioning human memory.
It doesn’t always work for every name, but I try to think of a celebrity with the same first name and repeat it in my head.
This is me with every educational video I watch
names are overrated anyways, nobody needs them
I made it a habit to regurgitate names in my head multiple times after I heard them but it still happens way too often.
“repeat” is the word you’re looking for
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Something I sometimes do is to try to find a way to visualize their name in my imagination. This especially works for some last names. For example if the person you’re meeting is called John Miller I try to imagine that person working in a mill. So my brain has an image to stick to when trying to remember their name… Sometimes no good image comes to my mind though. Last names can be weird…