Pretty crazy incident. Evidence of prior scouting, cutting fiber optic lines, flashlight signals, and ensuring no fingerprints were left behind.
There was also a similar attack in North Carolina last year.
These attacks are puzzling. What does anyone get from attacking electricity infrastructure?
They were trying to jack on.
( Futurama reference )
This one I’m not sure, but the NC one was done by a far-right conspiracy believer. It’s also been done by some of the far-right militias that have popped up in the last decade.
They do it because they think it’ll destabilize the country and start a civil war. One they want to win so they can inflict their ideology on everyone nationwide, whether it’s wanted or not.
They’ve exhausted, or seemingly given up w/o trying, all democratic methods to employ their ideals so they’ve moved to terrorism.
It turns out that extremism isn’t very popular. So fear is their only method.