Taken around the block. False color IR image. Yes, I blew the reds waaaay up because I like how they burn my retinas.

    • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      We do all the time. The NASA landst mission has been detecting in the infrared since it’s inception, and currently collexts 30 m pixels about every 15 days. Likewise the sentinel mission is collecting similar wave bands and I want to say it has more frequent procession? Maybe 10 days?

      Also, most modern drones that are for doing things like crop health will have a natively 4 channel sensor gathering blue, green, red, and near infrared imagery. Sometimes they’ll even throw in multiple near infrared channels.

      Back when I was flying drones for this we would run either 6 channels, or a 5 channel system with an upward looking sensor for calibration.