You don’t have to care, but don’t expect others not to just because you’re OK with a substandard experience. If you’re OK eating shit that’s fine, but don’t trytell me it’s chocolate when I’m holding real chocolate.
Just wanted to add that in my experience, Castlevania lord of shadows was unplayable due to graphical bugs on windows, but flawless through proton (that didn’t need any setup btw)
If we’re talking about substandard experiences, then Windows overall is definitely one to Linux once you stop trying to treat Linux like Windows-lite and learn to treat it as its own thing.
You don’t even have package managers (what smartphone app stores are a pale imitation of), you get motherfucking ads in your start menus, your desktop customisation options are paltry at best and half of them are locked behind a paywall, your OS gobbles RAM and processing power like a stoner with the munchies, it’s absolutely littered with baked-in bad decisions from the 90s, hundreds of millions of devices are locked out of future upgrades, and the amount of telemetry built-in could easily be called spyware.
Linux may be difficult to learn and have areas with spotty compatibility, but she’ll run on a toaster, is totally free, is infinitely customisable (, alas the subreddit is still bigger but I’m not linking that shit here) and highly modular, answers to you and you alone, and can do an entire system update in the background with a single command. There are many reasons why Linux has pushed Windows out of the supercomputer, server, IoT, smartphone, and now AI fields (and sibling BSD Unix holds sway over mainframes and most console OSes, like the Switch and last three Playstations). Desktop PCs are just about the only place where the Windows marketshare still eclipses Linux.
Cool, well while you’re wondering why your toaster doesn’t have native drivers I’ll continue using the better product. I’ve used Linux, been using pc’s longer than most of the people pushing Linux have been alive. You still won’t convince me second tier is first tier.
My sister in Christ, even Microsoft has admitted that Linux can do things their own OS cannot, and now gives all Windows installations the ability to run it in parallel, to the point of rewriting how their own OS works to accommodate it. WSL2 literally runs at the same layer as the Windows NT kernel itself. They’ve started releasing tools of their own that will not work on a purely Windows system, but require WSL2, in order to even function. All of Azure runs on a Linux backbone. They’ve made their own distros for internal use. And knowing how hard they are going to push AI with Windows 12, WSL3 might graduate from optional feature to absolutely mandatory part of Windows. All the PCs that can’t do the necessary virtualisation were filtered out by the Windows 11 requirements, after all.
This from the company that tried to destroy Linux for years, tried to kill it with UEFI, SecureBoot, FUD and sponsoring lawsuits against the Linux Foundation. Why does your vendetta continue when even theirs has faded and been replaced by a wholehearted embrace?
I bet you can’t do that on Linux. You’re not disproving my point in the way you think you are. Don’t misinterpret the truth as a vendetta, that’s wilfully ignorant and intellectually disingenuous.
Is Linux better than is was? Yes. Is it better than windows? 3% desktop marketshare says no.
No, there no equivalent because windows doesn’t need third party interpretors for AAA gaming software
Delete the win32 API and DirectX DLL files (which is basically all WINE is replicating) and see how well Windows plays your games then!
I’ll delete what my system is having to replicate and you do too, let’s see who can run games.
I simply don’t care. Games run fine under proton, why should I?
It’s not even extra work you have to do, steam handles pretty much all of it.
You don’t have to care, but don’t expect others not to just because you’re OK with a substandard experience. If you’re OK eating shit that’s fine, but don’t trytell me it’s chocolate when I’m holding real chocolate.
Just wanted to add that in my experience, Castlevania lord of shadows was unplayable due to graphical bugs on windows, but flawless through proton (that didn’t need any setup btw)
You out here comparing windows to real chocolate?
No, I’m comparing Linux to hershe’s, they’re trying to compare hershe’s to real chocolate.
If we’re talking about substandard experiences, then Windows overall is definitely one to Linux once you stop trying to treat Linux like Windows-lite and learn to treat it as its own thing.
You don’t even have package managers (what smartphone app stores are a pale imitation of), you get motherfucking ads in your start menus, your desktop customisation options are paltry at best and half of them are locked behind a paywall, your OS gobbles RAM and processing power like a stoner with the munchies, it’s absolutely littered with baked-in bad decisions from the 90s, hundreds of millions of devices are locked out of future upgrades, and the amount of telemetry built-in could easily be called spyware.
Linux may be difficult to learn and have areas with spotty compatibility, but she’ll run on a toaster, is totally free, is infinitely customisable (, alas the subreddit is still bigger but I’m not linking that shit here) and highly modular, answers to you and you alone, and can do an entire system update in the background with a single command. There are many reasons why Linux has pushed Windows out of the supercomputer, server, IoT, smartphone, and now AI fields (and sibling BSD Unix holds sway over mainframes and most console OSes, like the Switch and last three Playstations). Desktop PCs are just about the only place where the Windows marketshare still eclipses Linux.
Cool, well while you’re wondering why your toaster doesn’t have native drivers I’ll continue using the better product. I’ve used Linux, been using pc’s longer than most of the people pushing Linux have been alive. You still won’t convince me second tier is first tier.
Why do you feel so threatened by Linux just existing? We’re not going to take Windows away from you
I’m not the one trying to gaslight about the failures of my chosen OS. Why are you scared of reality?
My sister in Christ, even Microsoft has admitted that Linux can do things their own OS cannot, and now gives all Windows installations the ability to run it in parallel, to the point of rewriting how their own OS works to accommodate it. WSL2 literally runs at the same layer as the Windows NT kernel itself. They’ve started releasing tools of their own that will not work on a purely Windows system, but require WSL2, in order to even function. All of Azure runs on a Linux backbone. They’ve made their own distros for internal use. And knowing how hard they are going to push AI with Windows 12, WSL3 might graduate from optional feature to absolutely mandatory part of Windows. All the PCs that can’t do the necessary virtualisation were filtered out by the Windows 11 requirements, after all.
This from the company that tried to destroy Linux for years, tried to kill it with UEFI, SecureBoot, FUD and sponsoring lawsuits against the Linux Foundation. Why does your vendetta continue when even theirs has faded and been replaced by a wholehearted embrace?
I bet you can’t do that on Linux. You’re not disproving my point in the way you think you are. Don’t misinterpret the truth as a vendetta, that’s wilfully ignorant and intellectually disingenuous.
Is Linux better than is was? Yes. Is it better than windows? 3% desktop marketshare says no.