It pissed me off that it essentially got trench coats banned at high schools. I graduated in 1995 and my friends and I all wore black trench coats all through high school. I even had a leather one what I loved (I’ve actually been thinking about getting a mock leather trench coat recently). It was stupid enough that my high school had a no hat rule.
Oh, man. Yeah, I would be mad too. Especially after the dust settled and it turned out the Trench Coat Mafia was just harmless tech geeks (with the exception of the shooters, ofc), not Nazis and terrorists.
I’d say get the mock leather trenchcoat, and rock it.
Cut the year some slack. Today was the first day of school. It’s hard to have a school shooting when school’s out.
So what you’re saying is it only took less than a day.
Correct. In fact, it seems that the casually numbers are low because shooter was early.
That’s where they went wrong. Always show up fashionably late when you want to attempt mass murder.
Correct. See: trenchcoats used at Columbine.
It pissed me off that it essentially got trench coats banned at high schools. I graduated in 1995 and my friends and I all wore black trench coats all through high school. I even had a leather one what I loved (I’ve actually been thinking about getting a mock leather trench coat recently). It was stupid enough that my high school had a no hat rule.
Oh, man. Yeah, I would be mad too. Especially after the dust settled and it turned out the Trench Coat Mafia was just harmless tech geeks (with the exception of the shooters, ofc), not Nazis and terrorists.
I’d say get the mock leather trenchcoat, and rock it.