President Biden’s reelection campaign raised more than $1 million through online fundraising alone in the 24 hours after the president’s Jan. 6 anniversary speech, according to numbers exclusively provided to The Hill.
Biden on Friday gave a full throated attack against former President Trump, his likely GOP opponent, and warned Americans that Trump’s reelection would pose a threat to American democracy. The president zeroed in on Jan. 6 to mark the third anniversary of the U.S. Capitol riots and argued in his remarks that democracy is on the ballot in 2024.
In response to the 24-hour fundraising haul, the Biden campaign noted that they see preserving democracy as a political winner for the president in 2024.
Honestly only a million is a weak number. Three or four would have been good, six would make me think democracy might survive. The 2020 election was over $14 billion, and we’ve had strong inflation since then.
Getting people pumped to support Biden is like getting excited about plain toast. We best start acting like it’s our first food in a month.
Democrats 101. Let perfection stand in the way of pragmatic voting.
Never underestimate the DNC’s ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
DNC 101: let 1992 thinking stand in the way of 2024 solutions to 2024 problems.
Is everyone losing their fucking minds? I’ll shove that plain toast up my fucking ass if it means my kids can keep waking up, going to school, and altogether living normal lives. Comfort apparently does breed contempt because nobody is really fighting for this shit. None of us were there before plumbing, before democracy, lets not fucking find out.
Yeah. One party wants minorities crushed, women dead in childbirth, and Christianity to be law. The other kinda sucks. None of the above isn’t happening. The Dems won’t learn a lesson from losing but the gop sure will learn from winning
>One party wants minorities crushed, women dead in childbirth, and Christianity to be law. The other
wants to maintain the threat of the other party getting power in order to solidify their own power. actually doing something about it would weaken their case for election so they never will.
At this rate we might as well vote for Vermin Supreme. Fuck it. Because they’re all batshit crazy not listening to anyone but themselves.
I quite like cornel west
I like Cornel West, too. Unfortunately, I don’t know if the left being fractured as it usually is will be as little of an issue as it sometimes is. At the very least, Biden has a chance and he and his party (shitty as they are) are not actual fascists.
>he and his party (shitty as they are) are not actual fascists.
I disagree
Yeah fuck it. Its our swamp. But dont really do either of those things lol
I miss when #BernItAllDown was a naive possibility for me.
I dunno, America seems to be in a real fuck around kinda mood this year.
I gave Bernie a ton of money because I knew he was getting mostly grassroots donations.
Biden has a bunch of millionaires to ask for money who have a lot more disposable income than I do. He can go ask them.
Meanwhile my $27 a month is going to bail funds.
Bernie outspent Biden in many states during the primary and still lost badly.
The reality is that the broader electorate isn’t as left-wing as Bernie.
I think you missed the point he was trying to make. It wasn’t about the merits of a candidate, it was about the type of person they use as funding sources.
I donated a bunch last cycle, but the DNC spent a fair portion on promoting ‘spoiler’ candidates in Republican primaries. I don’t want my money spent on further radicalizing the GOP. If Dems are worried about money I have a great suggestion of a line item to cut that will cover far more than any contribution I could make…
I can’t blame anyone for not being pumped about Biden. At this point he’s making Reagan look spry and lively.
That’s a big part of the problem though. The left needs a populist like Bernie or Obama in order to draw in the money and support. An institutional centrist like Biden just has nil for enthusiasm. Which has nothing to do with being able to be president, but at the end of the day, elections are popularity contests. And at this point, Bidens biggest personality draw, is that he’s not Trump. Which is probably almost enough to win the next election by itself. If only by the barest of margins. Not really the kind of margin you want to risk the future of the free world on.
Greatest Democracy in the World™
It’s pretty telling that a dollar amount is an indicator of chances to win an election. The fact that you’re talking about this like it’s normal says so much about how fucked our political system is.
(Not at all saying that what you’re saying is wrong at all. Just commenting on how accustomed we’ve become to it that it’s normalized)
Oh it’s completely fucked up, and I fully realize that. Worse yet, the million dollars that were reported is merely a polling sample of the actual cash flows to superPACs and other organizations both domestic and foreign.
I’ll support Biden. Not super excited, but I’ll still support him given the alternative.
After '16-'20, plain toast would seem like a welcome blessing amongst the shit the country had become.
What the fuck is going on in these comments?
Tankies and hardcore leftists despising liberals, then throw in information wars of Israel/Palestine, and then add a dash election astroturfing.
The tankies really do threaten the fediverse. They are a small group, but they poison comment sections with their moronic, asinine ideas. They also tend to be very heavy commenters (I can guess why) which sucks because it drowns out the majorty
deleted by creator
Yes and no. Biden should win, but you can’t champion democracy while keeping money in politics.
Trump raised $4 million the day after his indictment.
I really hope the election doesn’t come down to who outspends who, or the grifter with NFT trading cards may end American democracy after all.
The grifter with the NFT cards is using the money he raises, plus all his party’s money, on legal fees. Michigan and New Mexico GOP are both broke because they can’t get any national funding because it’s all going to Trump’s legal fees.
No Presidential election since 2012 has been decided by who pays more, so there’s some good news.
This is the best summary I could come up with:
President Biden’s reelection campaign raised more than $1 million through online fundraising alone in the 24 hours after the president’s Jan. 6 anniversary speech, according to numbers exclusively provided to The Hill.
Biden on Friday gave a full throated attack against former President Trump, his likely GOP opponent, and warned Americans that Trump’s reelection would pose a threat to American democracy.
The president zeroed in on Jan. 6 to mark the third anniversary of the U.S. Capitol riots and argued in his remarks that democracy is on the ballot in 2024.
In response to the 24-hour fundraising haul, the Biden campaign noted that they see preserving democracy as a political winner for the president in 2024.
In 2024, that will be no different, and we are encouraged by the strong grassroots enthusiasm we are seeing around the President’s core campaign message,” Rob Flaherty, Biden’s deputy campaign manager, told The Hill.
Trump, in response to the speech, accused Biden of “fearmongering” and suggested the president was only attacking him on the issue of democracy because he could not run on other issues.
The original article contains 241 words, the summary contains 177 words. Saved 27%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!
the Biden campaign noted that they see preserving democracy as a political winner for the president in 2024.
Preserve American Democracy!
From the party who said primaries aren’t real elections, they dont have to follow results, and were lucky they let us have them anyways!
By the president we’re not allowed to primary! He won an unfair primary 4 years ago and now we’re not allowed another
Such freedom…
In another 5 years we might get to vote for someone who might possibly claim they’ll fight for abortion rights, fix healthcare, or stand against genocide.
Of course, if they lie to get elected we’ll have to wait 8 years for the chance to pick anyone besides them or a Republican.
Sooooo much democracy
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It’s a tactical move to avoid splitting the vote
The only time a primary has “split the vote” in the general in modern history was when Clinton supporters voted Romney over Obama
And Obama still won.
Because even the majority of moderates know voting R is stupid. And no progressive is going to vote R.
So maybe if Biden lost wed see some vote trump out of spite.
But we’d likely see the same thing with Obama where lots of traditional non voters turn out
You just conveniently forgetting the time we handed Trump a 4 year term on a silver platter? Wasn’t that long ago.
Fortunately for us, being the coalition party of change and progress in general, we can actually admit when we make mistakes and try to learn lessons from them. If we couldn’t do that, we wouldn’t deserve anyone’s votes anyway.
not everyone did
was not allowed to vote
Are you really saying a primary is why Clinton lost?
Does that mean you’re arguing we shouldnt have any primaries at all?
I don’t understand how your comment is relevant if that’s not what you’re saying
Oh, absolutely Clinton lost because of the bad taste left from her primary, 100%. She handled the entire Bernie situation very, very poorly and paid the price for it.
No, this does not mean we should get rid of primaries, that is an extremely stupid idea.
😖🤚 getting rid of primary elections
😏👉 getting rid of two-party system
I have not seen this done with emojis before…
Bernie supporters still overwhelming voted for her in the general.
The primary wasn’t why Clinton lost, she lost because she was a terrible candidate and no one on her campaign knew what the electoral college was.
And obviously, her team helping trump in the primary was a bigger reason she lost to trump in the general, although she’d have likely lost to anyone else too. The whole reason they helped trump was they thought he was the only candidate Hillary could win against.
I just don’t see any logic or basis in facts in your opinions man.
Bernie supporters still overwhelming voted for her in the general.
Got a source for that? I remember a lot of “maybe the DNC needs to learn a lesson.”
Which, they were right, and we did. But it came at enormous cost.
She won the popular vote by millions.
Ahem, we paid the price for it.
You are 100% allowed to join the DNC, run a campaign against Biden, and spend tons of time and money trying to convince the DNC to give you all their money instead of Biden for a presidential campaign. It won’t work, but you can try.
Here’s an article about 5 incumbent presidents that got primaried. Spoiler: they all won their primaries
Only if the DNC allowed a primary, which they’re not this year…
And the DNC would be allowed to influence the primary against me in anyway they want…
They could even wait till I win, then say “nah, don’t think we will” and nominate Biden to the general.
This isn’t my opinion, this is what the dnc told a judge, and the judge agreed.
Even further tho, the judge said the DNC can continue to claim primaries will be fair even if they’re not, because it’s just a “political promise” and politicians apparently are 100% allowed to lie about whether they’re honest.
The Court continued, “For their part, the DNC and Wasserman Schultz have characterized the DNC charter’s promise of ‘impartiality and evenhandedness’ as a mere political promise—political rhetoric that is not enforceable in federal courts. The Court does not accept this trivialization of the DNC’s governing principles. While it may be true in the abstract that the DNC has the right to have its delegates ‘go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way,’ the DNC, through its charter, has committed itself to a higher principle.”
So yes, I can 100% try to run.
But even if I win, the DNC doesn’t have to listen to voters.
No primary this year
Well yeah, they already have an incumbent and no one was dumb enough to burn piles of money running a campaign to try and primary that candidate.
DNC influence
Yes, political parties are basically private clubs, you join them, donate money, pledge support etc. They aren’t public entities any more than the Dallas Cowboys are. They exist to aggregate money and votes, and they elect their own leaders to manage those resources. If they decide to choose their candidate via tea leaves or throwing bones, no one could stop them, save to elect new party leaders.
I don’t know how parties are run elsewhere, but thats how they work in the U.S. They aren’t constitutionally codified or defended in any way. They’re a shortcut for voters and super popular because they save people time and effort. If someone came up with a better way to all but guarantee votes for a candidate, it would instantly replace parties.
Well yeah, they already have an incumbent and no one was dumb enough to burn piles of money running a campaign to try and primary that candidate.
No, no one had the option to try…
Just so we’re on the same page, each state decides how it chooses candidates to put on the ballot. That’s the whole thing going on with DT and the SC right now.
Derived from that power is the president primary, where parties from each state decide who to present as their candidate.
The Democratic National Committee says “Ok, everyone should just submit Biden as the candidate and skip the primary” because that’s what they decided is best.
It’s now up to the state parties to implement that decision or not. New Hampshire, for example, decided to hold a primary anyway:
But it’s politics, so who knows if it’ll actually happen. I just want to point out that the national committee doesn’t have power over what the states get to do, it’s all just a power brokering game.
States can’t put someone a ballot for a race that doesn’t exist…
It’s not that Biden is unopposed, it’s that there isn’t going to be a race.
And the only ones that have a say, are the people running the DNC.
Since that’s mostly decided by how much money you can pull in…
How is this not the rich overriding democracy?
That’s just not how it works. If New Hampshire decides to put Steamboat Willy on the ballot, only the SC could stop them, maybe. it’s kind of up in the air right now apparently.
Realistically, no one wants to give up that sweet national committee money, so they’ll probably cave, and it is the rich owning democracy. That’s why I kept saying you’d have to light money on fire to get it done, but it could theoretically be done: you just have to grease a lot of wheels.
Sounds like you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about
everything I said is fact. It occurs to me in retrospect that the person I’m responding to doesn’t realize that primaries are essentially a private function. If you make your own political party, you can have primaries every day!
Voting is a chess move, not a love letter.
Blame Van Buren!
deleted by creator
Genocide Joe is the biggest threat to Democracy. Replace him with another candidate that people with morals can vote for.
So basically do the thing most likely to give trump a shot? Nah I’m good.
Since when has voting been about morals?
What’s it about then trying to kill as many brown infants as possible? Cause both the popular candidates seem to like doing that a lot.
No, that’s gonna happen in America no matter what. Voting is about whether the government acts sad about it.
But he’ll commit genocide less than Trump will. That’s pretty much what it boils down to
Except not really. Biden is israel’s favorite candidate. They spent more money backing him than Trump.
Trump is the Russia guy.
Biden is the israel guy.
Biden and Obama chain a presidential candidate to a chair for eight hours to prevent her from debating with them and the republicans but he is preserving democracy
jill stein during the 2016 election summed it up better
During the campaign, Stein repeatedly said that there were no significant differences between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. She said, “Romney is a wolf in a wolf’s clothing, Obama is a wolf in a sheep’s clothing, but they both essentially have the same agenda.” She called both of them “Wall Street candidates” asking for “a mandate for four more years of corporate rule”
how is Biden not the same?
Biden and the DNC suck… I say that more than enough.
But they’re still better than Jill Stein.
And it’s weird to see someone talking about her like this.
And obviously they didn’t chain her to a chair
not promoting Jill but what she said is on point
so they obviously didn’t? you mean she was allowed onto the debate floor?
“DR. JILL STEIN: We were held at a facility, especially created for detaining protesters at the debates. It appeared to be a warehouse which had been specially equipped. It was obviously—you know, they were prepared to handle a lot of people. They had 13 officers there and three plainclothesmen. For most of the time, it was just Cheri Honkala and myself, yet they felt the need to keep us in tight plastic restraints, tightly secured to metal chairs.”
again how are democrats defending democray and how are the two parties not the same?
She was a Green Party candidate without the numbers to justify being in a debate…
You’re mad she didn’t have the support to get on the debate stage for the general, but that’s not the fault of Biden or Obama or anyone from the DNC.
If you’re complaint is she wasn’t on the debate stage for the primary…
What the fuck?
She’s not a Democrat, why would she be in the dem primary debate?
The more details you give, the less sense you make. Or are you honestly staying saying Barack Obama and Joe Biden physically chained her to a chair?
Actually, I really don’t care what you’re gonna say next
You’re right, they should have been prosecuted for Trespassing instead of being let off easy like they were.
She didn’t qualify for the debate. Why was she even there trying to get in? She knew the rules.
Jill Stein isn’t a real candidate, fuck off with this bs
How many times do I have to see this fuckin “chained to a chair” bullshit copy pasted around here 😂
Jill Stein is a Russian agent. She deserves far worse for working for Putin.
Biden is an israeli agent. But that’s not a conspiracy theory.
That is such a stupid comment post presidency. My insurance has to pay my medical costs if put in properly and are in network. My provider has to inform me if they are not in network. If everything else messes up my unpaid medical bills don’t go onto my credit report so there is real incentive for providers and insurers to do their job. This would not be a thing under romney.
I read the links. I also went searching for more info on this. I don’t see where Biden and Obama ordered her in particular to be chained to a chair. It’s interesting framing though.
Much like Jeffery Epstein name drops the Trump references are omitted in right wing media I see the same is occurring with Trump here again when it comes to Jill Stein.
In the search for Biden ordering Jill Stein to be chained to a chair, I found there was mention that Stein hoped Trump would allow her onstage to debate in 2016 with Hillary calling back to when Regan did for a 3rd party candidate, well sort of.
The 3rd party candidate that ran against Regan that year was also not allowed in the main presidental debate due to a lack of numbers too, so towards the end of the election Regan did have an extra separate debate with this 3rd party candidate. I suspect it was a good PR move for Regan at the time. I don’t see how this would not be a calculated move in a national election campaign.
So in the above post I don’t also see mentioned is Trump’s role in the 2016 election to not help Stein secure a place in the debate with Hillary. With hindsight of what happened this year with the GOP debates where Trump wasn’t even apart of these debates, it turned out to be foolish to expect Trump to help Stein to get on stage back in 2016.
What’s more interesting from the Wiki link posted above, Trump was involved in shutting down election recount efforts by Stein after the 2016 election with the issues brought up by computer scientists for 3 states. There would be later controversy over funding raised for the recount efforts. Where did the money go?
2016 presidential election recount fundraising
In November 2016, a group of computer scientists and election lawyers including J. Alex Halderman and John Bonifaz (founder of the National Voting Rights Institute) expressed concerns about the integrity of the presidential election results. They wanted a full audit or recount of the presidential election votes in three states key to Donald Trump’s electoral college win—Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania—but needed a candidate on the presidential ballot to file the petition to state authorities. After unsuccessfully lobbying Hillary Clinton and her team, the group approached Stein and she agreed to spearhead the recount effort.[74]
A crowdfunding campaign launched on November 24, 2016, to support the costs of the recount, raised more than $2.5 million in under 24 hours,[75] and $6.7 million in nearly a week.[76] On November 25, 2016, with 90 minutes remaining on the deadline to petition for a recount to Wisconsin’s electoral body, Stein filed for a recount of its presidential election results. She signaled she intended to file for similar recounts in the subsequent days in Michigan and Pennsylvania.[77]
President-elect Donald Trump issued a statement denouncing the recount request saying, “The people have spoken and the election is over.” Trump further commented that the recount “is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded.”[78]
On December 2, 2016, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette filed a lawsuit to stop Stein’s recount.[79] On the same day in Wisconsin a U.S. District Judge denied an emergency halt to the recount, allowing it to continue until a December 9, 2016, hearing.[80] On December 3, 2016, Stein dropped the state recount case in Pennsylvania, citing “the barriers to verifying the vote in Pennsylvania are so pervasive and that the state court system is so ill-equipped to address this problem that we must seek federal court intervention.”[81]
Shortly after midnight on December 5, 2016, U.S. District Judge Mark A. Goldsmith ordered Michigan election officials to hand-recount 4.8 million ballots, rejecting all concerns for the cost of the recount. Goldsmith wrote in his order: “As emphasized earlier, budgetary concerns are not sufficiently significant to risk the disenfranchisement of Michigan’s nearly 5 million voters”.[82] Meanwhile, however, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that Stein, who placed fourth, had no chance of winning and was not an “aggrieved candidate” and ordered the Michigan election board to reject her petition for a recount.[83] On December 7, 2016, Judge Goldsmith halted the Michigan recount.[84] Stein filed an appeal with the Michigan Supreme Court, losing her appeal in a 3–2 decision on December 9, 2016.[85]
On December 12, 2016, U.S. District Judge Paul S. Diamond rejected Stein’s request for a Pennsylvania recount.[86]
In May 2018, The Daily Beast reported that approximately $1 million of the original $7.3 million had yet to be spent and that there remained uncertainty about what precisely the money had been spent on
It’s interesting to me as there has been more than a few reports over the years of fundraising issues for Trump and where did the money go? Why were funds spent on personal items and payoffs to Pornstars not to mention various legal fees?
I did find on Jill Stein’s FB post about not being allowed into the debate, there was a FB commenter asking why should she be allowed in the national debate when the 15 percent theshold hasn’t been met? That means Roseanne Barr should also be allowed into the debate along with a few others that were campaigning too with miniscule numbers.
None of these points will land with the right people but it is interesting the framing we all can look at things with. It really speaks to the limits of the human brain to process all of the modern inputs and the shear volume of noise we are exposed to on a daily basis these days. With our phones the constant drip is non stop and we can’t fact check most of it in real time. I’ve spent over an hour reading and searching for more info on this one point alone.
It also highlights the role of social media algorithms to focus and feed more concentrated but slightly different and similar material to keep users engaged. It pushes conspiracy materials quite easily and much like financial scammers the media companies can’t keep up with filtering it.
I know there’s plenty of blame pointed at social media due further polarization of all sides but I don’t think it’s to serve one party over another. It’s really about making more money for socal media no matter the party. Some are just better than others at weaponizing these tools for their cause like the 2016 election, the Jan 6th insurrection, Brexit, Vice Presidents chaining debate candidates to chairs.
We all get to yell fake news or alternative facts. Now we just get to believe whatever made up things we like now, especially if it’s repeated enough by us or others on social media.
One thing is for certain. There’s going to be more violence this next time around. Be it for a loss or a win for either side. There is so much more than the Jan 6 crowds stirred up now. It won’t matter who’s been arrested, convicted, etc as we see today it doesn’t matter already. The world has become too complicated and confusing for many and there will be simplification attempts made to clear all of this up once and for all. It won’t help wth the anxieties many have but that doesn’t matter.
I just really hope this hunch is wrong.
Slava Ukrainian, Komrade
This is just a bad, superficial take.