Lemmiwinks from southpark was what I thought this site was based off
Braves like the only browser that works for some piracy sites, the rest (with extensions) you get a ton of ads, broken sitesx or get stuck at some link shorteners. Vfx med specifically I tried every browser. For regular browsing I like firefox but annoyingly enough brave handles video a lot better never crashing, youtube is always fast with hella tabs, I’m just used to and stuck with firefox because I have so many tabs/windows open rnow
I think they showed an image with mod overlap and they also modded those communities
You’re asssuming they got mothers on this specific flight? I’ve seen nothing about innocents in this flight being posted, are these not straight up criminals on this flight? Can you show me articles I cant find any
A lot of these actually are criminals why should we have to keep them?
its a link aggregator based off reddit, showing up higher in the resulrs when it’s own name is googled would be nice
Same, I was subbing to everything, hbo was the last thing I cancelled when they cancelled made for love
I did before I went back to pirating
Crunchyroll came from piracy, never felt right paying for it
Also you can always hide them, most apps allow hiding them (that ive tried)
I like seeing it, this site has less value without it, why are you on lemmyworld when it has upvotes/downvotes? You have other options without them.
Neither was twoxx arent many of the mods trans? Or is that a lie ppl say, I’ve seen that said a lot on redit
You draw false conclusions just like them lol? Where did I say its because they talk about their bad experiences.
you havent actually experienced twoxchromosomes then, that sub is femcels
If it’s anything like twoxchromosomes I could see why, thanking god I’ve never befriended anyone irl that frequents that place, I assumed the drama site was a lemmy instance and mostly woman oriented but ive never seen it here so I guess not
It’s less about how it sounds and more SEO
On android theres prob cracked apks at least
Thats wild , didn’t know that, you cant own hades on ios or play it offline
Not the pen I was thinking of