• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Sure, i’m not against developers keeping more of their own money, i’m not even against valve getting sued…

    What i am against is this blind hate of every corporation. Even the ones like valve who are doing some good things. (bUt tHeY’Re nOt dOInG goOd oUT oF tHe gOOdNeSs of THeiR oWn hEaRts! It’S aLL ABouT ProFiT$$$$!!!)

    I get it, capitalism sucks, corporations suck, profits suck… We are on lemmy after all

    But until you throw out your computer, your phone, disconnect yourself from the internet, and move into the woods… You live, breathe, and contribute to a capitalist society, so stop letting perfect be the enemy of good and shitting on every corporation, even the “good guys”. (I dont mean YOU… I just mean the fediverse)

  • Do you tip your grocery store cashier? Do you tip your baker? Do you tip your mail carrier? Do you tip your garbageman? Do you tip your local librarian? Do you tip your child’s teachers (if applicable)? Did you tip your lemmy instance admin? Do you tip your local city councillor?

    If not, then you should expect shit tier service from them too

    I dont wish you a bad life. I’m just pointing out how bad life would be if everyone had your attitude and work ethic