Ahh, that’s a strawman. The person you are replying to never made that argument, you created that argument in your head because it was easier to defeat with this piece of information.
Ahh, that’s a strawman. The person you are replying to never made that argument, you created that argument in your head because it was easier to defeat with this piece of information.
Damn, you think that’s a dunk? At 98% lifetime with 100% current, you think you might be splitting hairs a bit to make that sound bad?
Agreed! I’m saying it doesn’t make sense from Musk’s entire platform of defunding. Even recreating the incredibly exploitive, pre-anti psychotic and anti-depressents, system of the 1950’s and before would be incredibly expensive.
Isn’t this just the exact opposite of the de-institutionization that happened during Kennedy back in the 1960’s? Which Reagan then ruined in the 1980’s by defunding the programs that supported the people who would previously be housed in a mental institution that were put forth by Carter?
Feels like it’s just admitting Reagan fucked up. But trying to fix it by spending government money on rebuilding the mental institution system. Doesn’t make any sense.
Preach. If everyone who wrote about the end of democracy actually believed what they were saying, this wouldn’t be getting downvoted. If anyone who wrote articles like this actually believed it, these would be calls to action, not liberal hand wringing.
If people actually do believe this, and in response sit there doing nothing, they are cowards. Plain and simple. If you think this is the end of democracy, what are gonna do… vote democracy back? Ya’ll don’t, you know how I know ya’ll don’t? You aren’t doing anything about it, and you won’t.
Like fuck off with this ridiculous, inflammatory shit. It already lost the election and both houses, maybe focus on figuring out how to win a fucking election once everyone realizes these idiots can’t actually govern in 2 years, again!
He closed that strike down in like December of 2022, the East Palestine train derailment happened on February 2023, exactly what the rail workers were warning about.
East Palestine was arguably in Biden’s hands. Maybe the regular people forgot, but a lot of union workers didn’t.
It wasn’t that. It was the stumping with a Cheney and being forced to say Trump’s border wall is a good idea to Anderson Cooper. That sort of lurching
It was a weird dichotomy.
This election is so 2016 flavored that it’s killing me inside. I don’t think I’m gonna watch the election night coverage even.
Yeah agreed, most of the thca gets picked so early that it can lack some of the character of really good stock standard thc (if they let the trichomes mature too much the natural coversion of thca into thc starts), but I can’t argue with how easy it is to get really good shit. Plus there’s so much competition it’s really driving down prices and up quality in retail too.
Yeah I feel you, I stepped in to a dispensary over here the other day and the just offered me a mixed oz of eights and some other shit for stupid cheap! Some of the shit was really good.
The gray market, not necessarily the black market anymore. That’s retail growers who can’t easily sell all their harvest, especially in Cali where bulk prices are very low, sell either direct to consumer or mail/drive pounds of product to resellers. Since it’s being fed by the retail market, the quality can be exceptional.
Can be hard to differentiate gray market product from black market product, but gray market means purchases in ounces/lbs at sub retail prices because supply is plentiful and risk is nil. THCA is also a technically legal market nationality, although a few states closed the loophole, but you can still buy well priced highs and get them delivered via usps.
Legit, we’re still trying to figure out through genetics if cannabis even has species, or if it’s all just cultivars of C. Sativa. We still don’t know where to draw the lines scientifically. Literature is all over the place! The classic 2, adding in ruderalis for a 3rd, differentiating hemp vs weed, differentiating wild or landraces from cultivated populations.
All really interesting work on this has been done in the last 4 years! Super exciting time.
They’re not so much worried about adulteration as they are about pesticides. Pesticides, heavy metals, and some spore can be really dangerous in cannabis not only cause you inhale it, but because extraction and concentration into oils (for everything from edibles to vape pens) also concentrates any of the bad stuff that was sprayed onto a plant or worked it’s way up from the growing medium.
As far as THC%, the results of your high are going to rely on the other chemicals almost as much as the thc. No one is doing the genetic testing to separate cultivars, so the provenance of a plant is a guess. Good, well grown/cured weed will have a ton of different cannibanoids and terpenes that make up the chemotype. It will have the consistency of kinetic sand, not like dried oregano, immediately after you grind it. If you are used to the taste, you should pick up the different flavors of the terpenes.
If your weed doesn’t taste or look like that, you’re likely buying bulk lows or mids. Plants that were poorly grown, or had spider mites or thrips, still need to get sold. You’ll either get it in shitty distillate or bulk weed that tastes like nothing and doesn’t have any unique or interesting characteristics. They mixed the strains from a dozen grow houses, most is white labeled.
If you aren’t growing it or have access to gray market for bulk, the retail shop highs or exotics (the really good stuff) are priced waaaaaaayyyy too high to justify buying it, imo.
I know this is the argument people think is the most compelling. But in reality, this is not hitting with the electorate. Calling him weird was much more effective. Even post Jan 6th!
Trump bad, Trump fascist, for some reason that’s preaching to the choir; the urgency is already felt with the people who are gonna feel it. The campaign could realize this, and could pivot and focus entirely on abortion and economy, because they won’t touch the war. But Kamala is currently stumping with Republicans on a “Trump Bad” ticket. Fuck the Cheneys.
Basically Trump = fascist, even if true, is ineffective, and is losing the election as Trump picks up immigration votes from minorities and protest votes from Muslims.
Kid is gonna read that article. Maybe now, maybe one day. Imagine reading an article about how your mom wishes desperately with all her heart that she didn’t have you.
She loves you despite what you are, not because of it. Fuck me.
There were like 2.3 million people living in Gaza and at best guess 42k have been killed. That’s a best guess and most estimates say at least.
Initially, Germany had around 500k Jewish people. Around 300k of those people were able to flee, although many not far enough. Of the remaining 200k, about 25% were killed in concentration camps or through some other horror.
As the Nazis gathered more territory, they began the systematic, machine-like murder of European Jews. As a direct example, Poland had over 3 million Jewish people, 90% of them were killed in the Holocaust in concentration camps.
I don’t think we really need to compare genocides to say this is a genocide, especially not to the Holocaust.
This has real “We’ll write the address of people with Kamala Harris signs in their front yard” energy.
Naw fam, you tilted. Frfr.
Yeah… that’s just another strawman, dude. Come on.