And added sunglasses to mount rushmore and made them smile.
I think the last time I saw a dll issue was windows 8.
[insert train/subway nsfw copy pasta]
Well it seems the puns come in bunches.
Pretty sure that would count as monopoly as well and the sale wouldn’t be approved.
Ben Shapiro is a <del>hypocritical</del> piece of shit.
That… Somehow makes it even worse.
Oh. Missed that lol.
It won’t but you also won’t be disappointed by it if you never play them!
You can throw statistics upon statistics and they will mean nothing without a comparison point, control group, or null hypothesis.
Yeah. I agree.
Jill Stein? Unless I’m wrong. It’s nuanced, but her position is to stop the genocide.
Honest question. What do you do for someone who’s sole issue right now is to stop the genocide? There’s only one candidate going for that afaik, and it’s not Harris or Trump.
Could’ve done without the insult.
Always has been.
GDPR doesn’t just protect PII, it also protects user Generated Content.
This doesn’t make that behavior any less scummy, but have you tried using any Google website on a browser that isn’t chrome?
I like to believe that it’s a like a news headline “More Americans have died of ebola after marrying Kim Kardashian”