I went for AEG, not sure if that’s available in your neck of the woods
I went for AEG, not sure if that’s available in your neck of the woods
It doesn’t, I’ve picked it exactly because it doesn’t need any internet connection
I just bought new ones, to be delivered tomorrow.
So i hope they aren’t much assholey yet.
Just the case of a leader trying insurrection and holding them accountable. You know, like the US failed to do…
Koreans showing how to democracy
I think they were sure he was going to show eiter way. At least this way they took away his excuse. I thought that wwas a decent power play.
I loved Stephen Fry’s Deadly Sins and Leap Years
I need to make a profit, plus I pay rent. Furthermore I need to frame it and have somebody sandblast it and give it a gaudy coat of paint.
Best I can do is three fiddy
Well all those tariffs and taxes everybody else allready imposed sure did a lot to impress old VoVa
At CPAC 2024 in Hungary plans were already made how to capitalize on a Trump victory in European politics.
I’m in the market for a golden one, I’ve heard they are really good.
I worked in a bar and a maternity ward nurse that frequented had some stories (as they got called in for helping with ‘extraction’) there were fun stories with billiard balls and less fun stories with young children.
One memorable story is where she managed to identify the plus side to a clergymans cassocks: You can wear one with the shampoo bottle you ‘fell upon’ still inserted.
Damn it my two year subscription just got refreshed…
He also suffered from pre-emptive rigor mortis. So now when somebody holds their body in a rigid position we call it plancking
Nfl that is pretty good. I could do without the corn, but I could roll with that
Upvote for nailing the brief of the community.
But I’ll sit here retching and judging you in silence
There’s a huge amount of knowledge in experts around the world who share in that passion, just like in ancient radio repair.
This is the most responsible one so far.
Rip. How a voice can be the face of a game