I hate this fucking country so much.
I hate this fucking country so much.
Fuck the fascists. We fought the British over less tyrannical shit than what Trump is promising.
Their explanation sounds like ad hoc BS.
I love Andrew Bird
Edit: I really like Willie Nice Christmas
Excellent pick!
I initially had a negative reaction, but it’s grown on me. I’ve listened to it 3 times and have added it to my christmas playlist.
Spending a little extra money on a more expensive brand of something you really like can be worth it.
It’s often not worth it to do the “right thing” and save money by buyinh a generic or off-brand item you’ll end up not being happy with. Assuming you can afford the cost, the disappointment of eating off-brand cereal that tastes like paper, factory-farmed eggs, or wearing discount clothes that are cheap and look bad or have an odd fit just isn’t worth it.
Can you recommend any particular model?
What else there is will vary greatly depending on the geologic context of the hot spring. Along with water vapor there can be gasses such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, helium, radium, argon, methane, and I’m sure many other things.
I remember similar articles when Windows 7 reached end of life. People will complain but mostly adapt to Windows 11, and Linux will gain 0.2% market share.
Of course
Wishful thinking. They will double down on their shitty actions while surrounded by more security than a monarch.
I am so glad I canceled my WaPo subscription
Edit: The article is 10 years old…
I started to angrily disagree but on reflection it’s true, at least in my case.
I haven’t even started applying yet but this is how I’ve felt and thought too.
The horrors that are to come on partially on your head.
Is that what you told yourself when you didn’t vote?
Ah, I loved that movie but had forgotten the name.