As a native american who grew up on the res, it’s kind of a tempting idea ngl. Especially on indigenous people’s day.
As a native american who grew up on the res, it’s kind of a tempting idea ngl. Especially on indigenous people’s day.
So was Hitler once. Even liked dogs. Still grew up to be a monster. Say, were any of the “victims” aspiring art students?
This isn’t really true in rural communities. However, this imo is a bigger economy issue than it is an education issue. Truth is that kids as young as 11 and 12 are routinely hired for work in communities like these for the extra income they bring home to their families. Even farm kids on successful farms generally test or drop out of high-school even today. It’s just not worth it to spend all day in class when you can be making real money running the farm. And industrialized farms still need as many hands as they can get. What we need to do is take the profit out of basic food stuffs and subsidize it entirely as the basic necessity it is. Same with water and housing. There is no reason to squeeze every drop profit you can out of a venture except greed.
I had an employer try this on me too. I beat the claim in court by pointing out that people who quit don’t tend to bother showing up on time and ready to work at their next shift. Judge agreed with me. Shortly after I was offered about 80% of my claim as a settlement with the understanding that the taxes on the settlement would be paid by the company. Pretty good deal when I didn’t even have a lawyer ngl
I don’t need to wonder. I hear “I’m a conservative” and I already know you’re a waste of oxygen and carbon. Literally rocks from the ground are more useful and productive to society at large.
Looks a lot like Inque from batman beyond
Looks like fine Russian cursive to me
Definitely a rabbit. Dude with Let Me Take Your Luggage is doing some pretty cool stuff ngl
Government employee here. It’ll actually be the 3rd. We work our shifts for the first 72 hrs after the shutdown and then we go home. We do get back pay for all the hours we would have worked after the budget is approved, so that’s nice. The service guys just have to keep working with no pay.
Comes on me phone. Comes on me chromebook. Simple as
Dnc has been entirely fucked since they froze out Bernie. That’s why Trump won.
She died and I’m still here. We chalk those up as a win.
How long does an artifact need to be in a British museum for it to lose its own provenance and simply become “British museum artefact”? I feel like this is extra spicy cultural appropriation
You guys shit the bed. Shiess the bed. Whatever you sourkraut fuckers want to call it. It would have been easier to set yourselves on fire in a bunker. Fascism is as fascism does. Tell us “it’s for the greater good”. You’re just cutting away the undesirables. You admins do so much for our own good and we should be grateful you know so much better than we do. That’s why you have all those updoots
I read it, and it’s nutless. I’m hearing “we preemptively protected ourselves from legal liability, showing our willingness to do so again without notice or discussion. However, we pinky promise to not do it again unless we feel like it”. And what I’m inferring is that this platform will sell me out if it’s legally convenient for them. That’s not encouraging.
Bullets and blankets mostly. Then came the churches, the camps, and eventually the schools. Y’see, the difference is that the media came after. It happened to the southern empires first. The propaganda comes well after the genocide. It’s a justification tool. You’re here trying to tell me the media is telling me who to hate. I don’t hate trannies. We have a gay bar downtown overflowing with them. Good, cop hating people. What I hate is seeing them in the news picketing to bring back drag queen story hour when there are homeless cities without water down the street. I hate seeing senators argue about prepubescent access to hrt when there are 150 year old treaties not being honored to this day with native peoples. And I hate seeing all of you here put words in my mouth about who I should or shouldn’t hate for reasons I never brought up to begin with. There is no wrong think. Hatred is allowed. Sometimes, it’s even justified. I just try my best to hate ideas instead of people. So no, I don’t hate trannies or gays or twinsouls or any other extremely niche group youd like to add to the soup. I hate the overblown media footprint of shit that does not and will not ever matter to the overwhelming majority of people in this country.
Reading a lot of dirty zionists in here.