Gas is long for gas. A state of matter that isn’t solid, liquid or plasma.
Gas is long for gas. A state of matter that isn’t solid, liquid or plasma.
I tried the apple ecosystem way back when.
Fuck me I hated iTunes!
So glad to be out of that walled garden
Parents should be Parenting?
If they haven’t been parenting what have they been doing for the last 40 years?
And if thwy have been parenting how’s that workout for us so far?
There’s been no age ban on social media since the internet was founded but there’s record mental health crisis on young people.
Dude is night drinking Jim Beam. He can spell but he’s permanently drunk so doesn’t care
Typical media BS.
Found a story about a very small movement somewhere in the world than are blowing it out of proportion and saying this is actually a thing.
This is why Dems lost the election but the media thought they would win.
Fucking click bait sex sells story.
Vaccination won’t end.
There are plenty of countries around the world that aren’t as insane as the USA.
2 tabs of LSD on my dinner it is!
I think if you look at the history of humanity you find some fucked up shit.
That doesn’t make any of it right. In 200yrs our descendents will look back on this time with embarrassment and our petty squabbles will mean nothing.
But a population having a place to call home is the single most important things for a ethnic group.
The options are a 2 state solution or one side genocides the other side… or another 150 years of this god forsaken conflict killing people
I’m perfectly aware of your opinion. And I think your a dickhead.
Poor Hamas. Won’t someone thinks of the terrorists.
Fuck me I feel sorry for the Palestinian people. Stuck between a ruling party that doesn’t care about them and a people that want to stop getting blown up and murdered.
But you go and support a dictatorship. Good on ya
Do I have an illness? No definitely don’t. It’s an executive function disorder.
Just cos some textbooks says it an illness doesn’t mean the text book is right
“A treat for surviving the holocaust.”
Wow you actually said that
It’s a disability not a illness.
You can’t “get better” from it like you can an illness
Not a illness
The deal keep getting rejected because BOTH Hamas and Israel. Not only because of Israel.
The global community is accepting of Israel being at war because the hostages.
When the hostages are returned the global community will cease all support and the pressure on Israel will immense.
The fact you think the conflict is so simple to diagnose is pretty laughable.
How would this change if it was US or UK?
The biggest terror attack on your own soil, and hundreds of hostages kept for months to years.
It’d be no different.
I don’t know?
How many pages of dead babies are necessary before Hamas releases the hostages.
The single reason this war is ongoing is cos Hamas still has hostages.
I had to use my parents desktop a when I flew home for a bit.
Surfing the internet is fucking stressful if you don’t have adblocks. So overstimulating!!
I’m also on windows and for some reason I had to use Edge.
The Edge home screen is the VERY REASON google killed it back in the 90s. Clean clear search screen. Allows you to think what you are doing with out getting bombarded with ads and posts and ads and markets. Reminded me how terrible the search experience was back in Alta Vista and Yahoo days
Not like the CIA doesn’t already have full access to your browsing history already
Isn’t Manifest 3 about 3rd party tracking cookies?
Everyones going ape about UBlock, but that’s an unintended consequence.
I’m very happy to have 3 party cookies more limited. FB already tracks me everywhere everywhen.
(But I will be very very sad when UBlock doesn’t work anymore)
They should paint a door on a brick wall and label it “super male”. And have a sign saying “dorry you aren’t male enough”