Well damn. That’s a pretty cool thing to do. Thanks for sharing.
Well damn. That’s a pretty cool thing to do. Thanks for sharing.
Care to expand on that one? I know he’s ex military but haven’t heard anything like that before.
I’m not sure how this works if it’s never turned off? Are you always evolving someone’s head? Like 1 person in your line of sights head explodes per second or does everyone need you just get a headache?
Less temptation and more gave in already. I got myself the ultimate edition of stalker 2. The first ones were some of my all time favourite games and I’m so glad the sequel got made I felt like they deserved my money. Have to say I’m very happy with my purchase and I look forward to the dlc in the future. The atmosphere is great and the gameplay is fun. I strongly recommend it.
Hell yeah it did. I spent 10 minutes sat on a bench not doing anything and it was some of the tensest and best gameplay I’ve had in a multiplayer game.
I really enjoyed my play through. It’s a genuinely beautiful game.
That’s good to hear. I got to play some of the prologue yesterday and hearing the PDA boop in the intro took me right back. I’m looking forward to being immersed in that atmosphere again.
I was waiting for stalker 2. Super psyched to play it this weekend. The first 3 are some of my all time favourite games.
Have you tried fallout London?
It’s traditionally a massive meal in the UK. Good could of days worth of calories.
Like green beans. Not baked.
The UK has turkey with all the trimmings. Roast potatoes, stuffing, Yorkshire pudding (oven cooked pancake mix), roast parsnips, carrots, Brussel sprouts, beans, pigs in blankets (sausage wrapped in bacon). Usually served with gravy and cranberry sauce.
My favourite is usually stuffing or pigs in blankets. Turkey is usually just worse chicken and roast potatoes need to be just right.
Whatever you and your group are interested in or whatever the GM has most experience with.
Personally I’d go with Blades in the Dark. It’s great for teaching people good roleplaying habits and has advice like: drive your PC like a stolen car. The system is built to run on minimal prep with every pc action pleasing or upsetting another faction in the city everyone is locked in so you just need a few minutes to think before each session to work out what’s happening next. It’s very player driven and good for practicing improvisation. Plus the setting is instantly interesting (haunted Victorian London meets Venice) and I love flashbacks and clocks.
Other than that I’d recommend running a pre written module or two rather than making your own setting as it’s too easy to fall into railroading players to tell your story.
I love introducing new people to RPGs. It’s one of my favourite things. I’ve even run a how to GM session for an RPG club and helped a new GM run their first few games. That was a fun experience.
I’d definitely recommend not starting with Anima for a first game system now though.
Of course you can, I just really like the ritual with the brush and soap.
I love my safety razor. The ritual of shaving is soo much better with a brush and soap bowl rather than squirty cream from a can.
It’s a learned skill though and does take practice, I recommend the book Leisureguys guide to Gourmet shaving.
Get a multi pack of blades and work out which ones you like best.
Do you have a favourite song or band?
We do: my wife’s stuff and our t-shirts with pictures for delicates wash and literally everything else goes in on a standard wash cycle.
I really enjoyed Tunic. I loved collecting all the pages and learning about the world. I had to turn the difficulty down for the final boss as it just wasn’t fun but everything else was great. The ending was really good after I found all the collectables. Though I did look up where to find them after working out what I was looking for.
Yeah the story for tunic and what’s going on underneath all the happy Zelda like over world was pretty jaw dropping. I loved that game.